Tech Time: Apps Provide Best of Both World For PC and Mac Users


I’m a Mac… and I’m also a PC.

Regardless of your current computer considerations, it is undeniable that Apple does some things better than Windows and vice-versa. While some are aligned one way or another, a happy medium may be the best option. With that in mind, here are two applications to help you get the best of both worlds. Miley Cyrus, eat your heart out.

Cinch: Multitasking is a staple of the average college student’s day. As such, the Snap function introduced by Windows 7 is perfect for when somebody wants to watch YouTube and write their paper at the same time. After simply dragging windows to the left or right side of the screen, Snap will resize them to take up half of your monitor. While this was once a convenience only allowed to Windows users, Cinch, from Irradiated Software has made multitasking just as easy on Macs. Cinch’s Snap-like window management is available for $6.99 on the Mac App Store, with an unlimited free trial on Irradiated Software’s website

ObjectDock: The dock featured in Mac OS X computers has an aesthetic that just isn’t present in a standard PC. Luckily for those with an affinity for docks can recreate the OS X look on their Windows machine. ObjectDock does exactly what you would expect it to-it creates a customizable dock on your PC. The application is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems and is available for $10 from​


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