Posted inColumns / Opinion

The Snow Never Bothered Laramie Anyway

Photo Courtesy Nino Barbieri - wiki commons
Photo Courtesy Nino Barbieri – wiki commons

Our friend the copper plated T-Rex outside the Geology Building is lonely this winter. He’s a cold-blooded creature out in the cold all alone. He wishes he could be inside with his dinosaur friends instead of working in the cold waiting for students to throw pinecones in his mouth. Our dinosaur doesn’t need to suffer from seasonal depression and neither should our student body.

It is time to face the music summer that is long gone. Shorts, eating ice cream outside and sitting by the pool are over, but just because there is snow on the ground doesn’t mean our only connection with the outside world should be Netflix and Facebook.

It can be all too easy to pack on the pounds during the holidays, to turn into a bear and go into hibernation, emerging only to get more food. Do not let the cold weather, shorter daylight hours or the cold get you down. Winter is a beautiful time of year complete with basketball season, skiing and winter break. It may be hyperthermia weather but fight on.

Go to the gym. You’ll learn a new skill and feel better about looking mean and lean when it would be all too easy to chunk up. Go out to coffee with friends. WebMD recommends getting as much sunlight as you can and staying active to battle the winter blues. Yes, finals season is rapidly approaching, but so is Thanksgiving break. There are 24 hours in a day, make the time for what matters most. Spend time with your friends and family, put on snow tires, dig out that hat that spent all summer in the back of the closet and above all stay active. Winter does not have to keep you inside.

Laramie may be the unofficial windy city, where Chicago has nothing on the gusts of I-80, but winter can be a beautiful season. Hot coffee, snowmen, skiing, winter outfits and seeing the mountains covered in snow are beautiful sites that not everyone gets to experience. Think of it this way, what makes you appreciate the sun more, being chilly, or living around 65 degrees everyday? This winter is predicted to be the el nino of winter so buckle up for the long haul. See the light at the end of the snowstorm.

Carry on and think of our T-Rex, at least we can put a scarf on when it gets cold.

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