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UW Cowboys lost Border War after 4 years of winning

The UW Cowboys handed over the bronze boot to the Colorado State University (CSU) Rams on Thursday after a devastating loss at Canvas Stadium.

This broke the UW Cowboy’s winning streak they’ve held the past four years.  

“It was definitely not what I expected,” said Jessica Chavez, a Social Work student.

“I expected us to win but that did not happen obviously. I was kinda disappointed in the game,” said Chavez.

“The past couple years we have won the border wars–the Cowboys may have thought it was a given that they would win. That’s definitely not true. They were a little too confident going in,” said Chavez.

Chavez said the Cowboys might have played worse because there were no fans in the stadium.

“You could hear crowd noise on the TV but there was no one actually there. Some athletes, they really thrive off of having the crowd energy,” said Chavez.

Jacey Reinhert, a Marketing Student, was also disappointed with the outcome of the game.

“Of course I want my team to win but there’s always next year when we can take them,” said Reinhert. “It was a little disappointing but sometimes it is nice to give to those less fortunate”

“I definitely know there is a hype behind having students there, it adds to the overall atmosphere. We didn’t have that this year,” said Reinhert.

“We were excited going into it because we knew we won last year so we were hoping we would win again. In the first 5 minutes, Colorado state scored two touchdowns, but we tried to stay optimistic for the rest of it. Unfortunately it didn’t quite play out in our favor,” said Truman Boot, Environment and Natural Resource student.

“I know there were issues earlier in the season with freshmen on the team getting COVID–so maybe that was a reason for how they played,” said Boot.

Boot plans on going to the next home football game in person. “Hopefully that will turn out a bit better,” said Boot.

Boot said he likes that there are only a limited amount of student tickets per game.

“I like that method because it limits the amount of people that are there, while still allowing students to make it to the game” 

Chavez had some frustrations after going to the last home football game.

“The atmosphere of football in Laramie is pretty big, but that wasn’t there the first game. There were quite a few people there but it still wasn’t the same. I think everything with COVID has made it super different and an adjustment for everyone,” said Chevez

Chavez said she might go to future home games this season but it depends on UW’s enforcement of social distancing guidelines.

“It was kind of uncomfortable knowing you don’t know who has been potentially exposed to COVID. I think I would go if there were better regulations moving forward to protect the general public,” said Chavez.

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