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Dorm room decorating solutions that won't cramp your lifestyle

When thinking about decorating and saving space in the residence halls, a good rule of thumb is to think vertically, according to an article on the Home and Garden Television website.

Using vertical space is a way for students to fit everything they need while still being able to walk and move around


The residence halls at UW offer loft kits to raise beds higher than normal to fit more under the bed, but there are other ways to save space without using the kits if one is not available.

“I put my bed up as high as it could go without getting a loft kit,” pharmacy student Dawn Anne Davison said of her time in the residence halls.

“I also put a suspension rod in between my bed and the mirror with two closet organizers to put my cleaning stuff in it. It was really helpful and it left a lot of space under the sink.”

Plastic drawers also help save space and can fit underneath raised beds even without loft kits. Long and thin tubs that slide underneath beds also save space. They are easy to maneuver and can fit under beds without having to be raised.

Stacking crates on top of one another also can save space, and can be used as shelves if the room does not allow for one. Crates could brighten up the rooms, as they can be purchased in a variety of colors.

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