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RSO funding board awards dollars for health fair, chili cook-off

The Recognized Student Organization Board approved $5,325 for three events and four conference registrations at the Monday meeting.

Phi Lambda Sigma, the honor society for the College of Health Sciences, was awarded $3,000 for a health fair. The fair organizers intend to provide as many free services as possible, which may include hemoglobin testing, blood panels, osteoporosis screening and vaccinations.

The healthcare-focused group expects high traffic in the Wyoming Union building due to the football game on Nov. 3. UW students will do the testing, which the group organizer Kendra Whalen said enhances the educational value to the student body.

Phi Delta Chi, an engineering honor society, requested $900 to host a chili cook-off. The fundraiser will support travel costs for RSO Engineers without Borders to help with health and water sanitation projects. The organization representatives said 250 people on campus participated last year. Students donate $5 and then are able to sample different chilis.

“Any time you have multiple RSOs in the same event, that’s a good thing,” Sen. Justin Palm said.

The UW Billiard Club, a new RSO on campus, will host a spooky 9-ball tournament in honor of Halloween. The group requested $200 for trophies and medals to give away at the competition.

The group will have prizes for first place, second place, best lady pool player and best costume.

Event organizer Francis Maloney said the educational value comes from learning sportsmanship and etiquette.

They planned to purchase trophies for two events over the year. The RSO Funding board cut the Billiard Club request to $102.50 to cover trophies for one event.

“I think it’s smart to do this one at a time. We are not penalizing them at all because they can request again for next semester,” Sen. Dustin Bales said.

The Women’s Action Network requested $225 to attend the Women, Law, and Public Policy conference in Washington, D.C. The group advocates for women’s public policy issues. One policy project included delivering testimony on women’s issues to the Wyoming Legislature. The group president plans to attend the conference and then host workshops on campus on how to become more involved with public policy.

“This one is pretty easy to say yes to,” Sen. Jaymie Sheehan said, citing lots of prior thought put into the proposal.

The Society of Petroleum Engineers requested $500 to attend an annual technical conference and exhibition in San Antonio, Texas. The group raised $8,400 in outside funding to help cover the cost for 20 attendees. The seniors in the society plan to give presentations to underclassman in the RSO, which includes 80 members.

The National Community of Pharmacists Association was awarded $500 to attend its annual convention in San Diego. The group is attending the conference to participate in a business plan competition, where the UW chapter placed in the top 10 for three years running.

Pi Delta Chi was absent during the group’s appointment with the RSO Funding Board and were recommended zero dollars for their conference registration to present cancer research at a national conference.

“If they don’t show up, we’re not going to recommend funding,” committee chair Hunter Christianson said.


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