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Let your voice be heard: get out, vote

Photo: wikicommons, Tom Arthur

Today is Election Day, a chance to have your voice heard in the government. Voting is our greatest right as citizens of a democracy, but I am surprised at the large number of students on campus who say their vote does not matter and will not be voting.

Wyoming is one of the few states where you can register to vote on Election Day at the polling place. All you need is a driver’s license and you are ready to roll. The process will likely take less than an hour and whoever is elected as our next president will be in office for the next four years whether you vote or not.

It is hypocritical to not vote and then complain about the results. If you do not like a current leader, proposed law or political party, then do not vote for them. Not voting is not fighting the system or sticking it to the man. It is allowing the man to continue to function. You stick it to the man by voting for the candidate you support and for the issues you feel are important.

In Wyoming a single vote has decided the results of an election, so do not fall under the illusion that your voice does not matter. If enough people band together, they then can change the course of history. Looking at the pre-election polls, either of the presidential candidates have a shot of winning, so all votes matter now more than ever.

It is not too late to research the candidates and the issues they support. Social media is jam-packed with angry attacks that feel like political propaganda and not the view of a political party or candidate. Find out for yourself what you believe. No one says you have to vote the same way as your best friend, significant other, parents or state. No one has to know how you voted, so even if you write in Donald Duck, let your beliefs help shape the future of our country.

No one likes to stand in line just to check a few tiny boxes, but some of the decisions that will be voted on today will shape the direction of our country and could have affects that trickle down to our grandkids. Wear your white ‘I Voted’ sticker with pride and let your voice be heard. Do you want to remember that you helped decide who would lead our country or would you rather idly sit by and remain silent when it comes to voicing your opinion?

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