Posted inColumns

Fighting solves nothing

Courtesy: stock.xchng/vierdrie

In this day and age it seems like we fight about nearly everything. With the Internet and social media, the boxing ring in which we are able to argue has grown exponentially, and it has brought forth much confusion in my mind about why we are arguing. So this week I pose the question to you: why the hell are we fighting?

Why are we arguing about our president? Whether you like him or not, Barack Obama is our president. Apparently some of our country likes what he is doing because he has been elected twice. So, instead of fighting about him in the papers, social media and Internet, give the poor dude some constructive criticism or shut the heck up. I am sure he would love to hear from you and would appreciate a lively debate regarding the opposing views to his own.

Why are we fighting about gay people? Regardless of what you think about the issues surrounding this particular demographic, the way they live is their business. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or questioning literally effects the individual who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered or questioning. No one else. They are not going to make you gay by being in the same room as you, and letting them have the same rights as straight couples is not going to make your straight rights any less valid. Also, who are the makers of the gay babies? Straight people.

Finally, why are we arguing about leggings as pants? While I choose not to wear them as pants during my day, who cares about the people that do? I acknowledge that some individuals are better suited in jeans than leggings when it comes to their behinds, but if leggings are comfy and make you happy, by all means, wear them. And beyond that, where do we draw the line? Jeggings and yoga pants are also leggingesqe in quality, and beyond that the lines begin to blur.

I hope that this article has inspired you all to take action or shut up regarding these hot button issues. I challenge each of you to take action if any of the aforementioned issues bothers you significantly, because only through action can change be affected.

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