Posted inColumns / Opinion


Kendyll Ferrall


If you and Stephen Colbert are on opposite sides of an issue, you are probably (definitely) on the wrong side of the issue.


The issue I am referring to is the recently resurfaced controversy over the name of the Washington Redskins football team.


Earlier in February, Senator Maria Cantwell and Representative Tom Cole wrote a letter to the NFL commissioner, warning Roger Goodell they would consider revoking the NFL’s tax-exempt status if he did not support the protests for the team to change their offensive name.


Is the name offensive? I don’t know, is it offensive to tell someone they would be really attractive if they were not so fat? (No, but seriously, I say that to a lot of people and I cannot tell if I am offending them or not.)


Goodell claimed the name has ‘honored’ the Native Americans for the last 80-years. Although, I am not sure if any tribes responded to Goodell’s assertion, does it take longer to receive news on reservations? Do they have cable? Wait; am I being insensitive to Native American culture? Probably not.


The Redskins spokesman, Tony Wyllie, in an incredibly sensitive and thoughtful statement managed to completely divert attention and relinquish any responsibility for whether or not the name was offensive by quickly highlighting all of the other offensively-named institutions in America. Because a bunch of racist wrongs make a right, right? I think Dr. Martin Luther King mentioned that in a speech once.


My issue with the team’s name is not that it is an offensive racial slur, although it definitely it is, it is that it is not aptly named. A city’s, or in this case a district’s, football team should be representative of its environment, culture and history.


The Redskins should not rename their organization to satisfy offended Native Americans and the football fans that are not ignorant assholes. No, they should rename their organization so it makes sense.


I know naming a football team can be incredibly strenuous and difficult, obviously there was a lot of thought and efforts put into originally naming the Redskins, but do not worry Dan Snyder. I have it covered.


Considering the team resides in Washington D.C., I have a few ideas to test out. How about the Partisan Penguins? The Corrupt Camels? The Rich, Old, White Wolves? The Fraudulent Foxes? The Crooked Cougars? The Dishonest Dolphins?  The Shady Seals?


Even if those names do not quite tickle your tax-exempt fancy, Schneider, there are a few other options that will not require your organization from admitting any wrongdoing or having to issue any apologies. Because apologies are for pussies and admitting wrongdoing is for faggots.


Shoot, was that offensive? Nah.


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