Column: How-To: Impress employers during an interview

A summer job. We all need one. And the worst part of the search? Interviews.

Especially if you are trying to get an internship in the field you have chosen as a career.

You apply for every job you find, hoping at least one is interested in you. Before you know it, you get a phone call and an impending interview. The easy part is over.

Now you have to prepare. It’s this quick ten-minute interview that will decide the next three months of your life.

The first thing you need to do is get a killer outfit. Think dressy. Even if the job requires jeans and a t-shirt, don’t interview in that. It’s better to be too dressy than not dressy enough.

Pull out those dress pants. Ladies, get a nice blouse. Guys, break out a snazzy tie.

With your professional outfit all set, you’re ready to rock the place.

The key to a successful interview is don’t be nervous. If you are nervous, your prospective employer will notice, and they will be less inclined to consider you for the position.

Your interviewers will look for confidence and a sense of what kind of person you are. If you can walk into an interview and be on top of your game, you will be in the door already, skill-sets for the job aside.

Personality is ultimately what wins employers over. They want to see if you are the type of person they and their employees will be able to work with day in and day out. Skills can be taught; personality can’t.

Though a resume will get you noticed, those three years you spent as a pizza delivery boy or barista will only get you so far. Employers want proof of what you put on paper to shine through in your interview.

Bottom line is, don’t be nervous, and flaunt that personality. Let it shine, and you will be that much closer to that summer internship and/or job.

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