Posted inOpinion

Yoga provides fun, strength, chatarangas

I’m not going to lie: I was nervous before my first yoga class. Balance is not my thing, and I have never been a dancer or a gymnast. We’ve all seen pictures on Instagram of beautifully toned people holding headstands or other “I can’t believe the human body can bend like that” poses. There are people out there like that, but there are only a few of them compared to the rest of us. Let me reassure you that even for those of us who are less Gumby-like than we’d ever care to admit are still on the fence about the whole meditation thing. And to those whose arms shake in downward facing dog, let me encourage you to give yoga a shot.

Most yoga studios are welcoming to newcomers. Rome wasn’t built in a day and no one wakes up one morning with a perfect lotus pose. OK, so maybe there are a couple of flawless yogis out there, but for most of us, practice makes perfect. Yoga is like a workout where no one judges you. Sure, if you’re like me and your tree is mostly ground-based, someone will likely notice. Honestly, though, chances are pretty high that no one will say anything. As “Frozen” told us: “Let it go.” My mom once described yoga as being better than a nap. Imagine that — a chance to work just about every muscle group in your body and walk away feeling relaxed. Plus, it’s a great excuse to wear a fun headband and yoga pants.

The great thing about yoga is that you can make it easier or harder. Maybe you struggle to touch your toes and the person next to you is pancaked to the floor. It doesn’t matter. Maybe you’re really not feeling that last chataranga — then to child’s pose you can go.

This summer, I discovered yoga as a great excuse to spend time with my friends and family, relax during a stressful situation and get moving without the brain drain of trying to bench press a few reps. I wouldn’t label myself “good” or even “average”, but what do those labels even mean? Everyone’s body is different, and if I can leave in a better mood than when I first walked in then that’s good for me.

Tight pants and headstands aside, if you’re looking for a good excuse to spend time with friends, build strength and balance or simply learn to unwind, give yoga a shot. You just may be surprised.

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