PBR, Prexy’s Make For Terrible Combo


Pick up your trash. Monday night the cops got involved because people didn’t want to pick up their mess what should have been an easy fix soon came to blows. The solution is simple and obvious: pick up your mess.

It’s relatively painless and takes only a few seconds. We are lucky to attend a beautiful campus but nothing ruins a morning commute to class like seeing half empty beer cans and trash on the lawn. Leaving used condoms thrown in the stairwell, really? Come on! Pick it up.

No one wants to see that. Your mom doesn’t work here and even if she does she has better things to do than to make sure you walk the three feet to a trashcan. This isn’t your conveniently located city dump.  Would you throw trash all over your house? Would you let someone else? So why do it here?

Tuesday morning was a bright sunny day the sun shining. The sky was blue. The birds were chirping. In fact if it had any better the bunnies would have joined in a little song and dance number. And then there it was. A PBR can right by Knight Hall. Nothing makes the birds and bunnies stop singing like seeing a cheap hipster beer from the night before that some dumb kid felt it was beneath them to throw away.

The residence halls are not a dumpster. People actually live here believe it or not. Residents DON’T want you to leave your trash of any sort all over the place. The trash fairy called and she is on sabbatical this semester. In fact she will be taking up a permanent leave of absence and she thinks you can pick up your trash without assistance. She said go forth my little Padawans but for the love of God pick it up!

We all have different lives to lead and many different perspectives. But just because you are tired, just because you had a rough night or personal issue does not give you any license what so ever to leave your junk all over tarnation. Milk in the bathroom, condoms in the stairwell, and PBR cans in Prexy’s are a great ways to make anyone’s day that much brighter. Seriously pick it up. I’m 90% positive that we all passed kindergarten and many us know verses to the cleanup song. With the trash-fairy gone it is our sworn duty to unite to make campus the beautiful place it is.

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