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Falling in love with “hot” yoga

Christine Mock poses in King Dancer. Mock assists instructors by adjusting student poses when needed during classes at the new Hot Power Yoga studio in downtown Laramie.
Christine Mock poses in King Dancer. Mock assists instructors by adjusting student poses when needed during classes at the new Hot Power Yoga studio in downtown Laramie.

At the intersection of Clark Street Bridge and Third Street, there’s a “hot” spot becoming increasingly popular in Laramie. Hot Power Yoga studio is a temporary escape from Wyoming’s brutal winter where students practice in temperatures ranging from 90 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit.

The newly renovated interior presents a modern feng shui feel, from the warm color schemes to the creative furniture.

Visitors are greeted with the welcoming smile from owner Tara Kassik. Tara purchased the studio in 2013 at a different location from its current, larger studio able to accommodate several new classes. Daily sessions provide diversity from a Vinyasa One for the beginner “yogi” to Chisel and Tone for the empowered “yogi.”

Through her journey, Tara said she realized she is doing what she wants to do with her life.

Q: Tell me about your first yoga experience.

A: I was a teacher training at Blossom Yoga. Blossom is such a loving environment and it was there I made the connection with mind and body.

Q: Have you noticed any benefits from practicing yoga?

A: Absolutely. I often joke that I was the tin man–couldn’t touch my toes, I was so stiff, and I did not have a lot of body awareness. I’ve noticed huge changes. I am overall more mobile, stronger and have better balance. It has benefitted my mind; energetically, mentally you begin to change.

Q: In what way has yoga changed your life?

A: In every way. When I discovered yoga, I had a gut feeling this is what I was supposed to do. It took over my life. I was an Environment and Natural Resources and International Studies major at the university. I finished out the semester and pursued this.

Q: Why did you decide to own a studio?

A: The opportunity was presented to me and I fell in love with my job. This business was founded on love and that has always resonated with me. I run this business to share love with as many people as I can reach.

Q: Is there a life-changing story about a former student that comes to mind?

A: So many, but it’s really the students’ work. We solely hold the space for their experience. One person I will never forget was our part-time employee who feared she was suffering from multiple sclerosis. She later discovered she had celiac disease. Yoga transformed her life; opened her heart and life. It improved her balance and mind. Nowadays she is a yoga instructor and living in Italy.

Q: What do you foresee is in store for the future of your studio?

A: Just continue keep-on-keepin’- on doing good work with the community and for everyone. I want to provide a safe and loving environment. There is something in yoga for everyone. Teachers believe it can change the world through the teachings of kindness. There is no monetary reasons behind why I do what I do, I simply want to bring yoga into the world and spread kindness.

Q: What is your favorite “yogi” quote or yoga practice?

A: Bhakti, a Sanskrit, a spiritual path or practice focused on the devotion to love. I believe in the seven chakras, the heart being the center of yourself.

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