Obnoxious white lady man-haters: Five myths about feminism

March is women’s history month so let’s talk about the f-word- yes, feminism. I’m always surprised that so many people, men and women alike, are confused about what this thing is. So let’s talk about some popular beliefs.

1. We’re man-haters

This is my personal favorite. Everyone hates “feminists” because we hate men right? Let’s be real. We’re going to spend time with each other and maybe even like each other enough to have babies together. Most of the population identifies as straight and if the past is any indication humans will keep on having babies in the future. Biology finds a way. Men are awesome. Hence there’s a reason the Tumblr “Men with Cats” is so popular. Hint: it’s not just the cats.

2. We’re lesbians

This one is directly connected with the first one. Actually there has historically been a problem with mainstream feminism being down with the LGBT community. Most of the population identifies as heterosexual. So no, not every feminist is gay but we are learning what it means to be an ally.

 3. We’re dirty hippy peaceniks

We’ve got the unshaved armpits, talk of chakras, kale chips and the works. Don’t get me wrong I like to find my way into down dog but I also shave my armpits. No I am not the voice of all feminists but I think I can safely say that many hold jobs and function well in mainstream society. Sheryl Sandberg wrote a book telling women to lean in and she’s the CEO of Facebook. There are actually a significant number of conservative feminists, like our own Congressional representative Cynthia Lummis. That’s part of the beauty of it, be liberal, be conservative and still a feminist.

 4. We’re bra burners

Bra burning wasn’t really a thing. Time, NPR and the likes have debunked this popular myth. Let’s not keep it going, the “Portlandia” feminist bookstore notwithstanding. Bra burning was a popular image and it sold. Now Rosie the Riveter, she was a piece of pop culture with a message that women can enter the workforce and do a good job. Let’s keep that message alive.

 5. We’re only women

And specifically white, middle-to-upper-class, able bodied, straight, cis-gendered, Christian, Western, crazy cat ladies and the list goes on. But no and a thousand times no. Men have been and always will be important allies. Like Emma Watson said, let’s get more men involved. WE WANT YOU. Feminism means fighting for equality for marginalized groups, all the groups. I get to speak from the position of white privilege but no there isn’t a single one version of feminism. It’s a spectrum, like how there isn’t one right way to write an essay or fall in love. We all have struggles. Some are different and more overbearing than others, but we all have them and need to work together. You know who are feminists? Jason Gordon Levitt, Beyoncé and President Obama. You do you, and if you are down for equality then sorry, you are a feminist. You just don’t like the label.

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