Posted inColumns / Opinion

Become an “object,” if you want to

In the wake of the recent Mr. Wyoming competition, talk of body image and the objectification of the human form will inevitably be brought to light. Granted, there is validity to these kinds of conversations, but where does it go too far?

Let’s take into account the people that are being “objectified.” When it comes to professional models or bodybuilders or anyone of the slightly Photoshopped ilk, it is important to look at the word “professional” before their title. These people look like carved statues because that is what they make their sweet living on! While it is important that one not base their own self-image off of what people in magazines look like, it is equally as important to not dismiss these professionals. In most cases, they have to put in extreme amounts of work and dietary discipline into their careers. I know I do not have that sort of discipline. Panda Express is delicious, damn it!

This leads me to the second half of our delightful romp through the jungles of young adult body image, which is that it Is OK to a certain extent to look up to those we see in popular media with their airbrushed abs and the like. I know that for an amateur “bro” like myself who enjoys spending time in Half Acre (is that the sound of my own horn tooting?) I definitely require some inspiration now and again. Seeing the Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger in all of his bodybuilding glory days sometimes gives me the pick me up I need to try to work a little harder than I normally do, even if I may never reach those heights (6-foot-2 to be exact). But I accept that I am short and have other things to do than constantly obsess over the fact that I am not Arnold. I probably never will be. I accept that and I think I’m just a hoot to be around, and so should you.

Forgive me for inserting this bit of cliché into your day, but everyone really does have something unique about themselves, and that is awesome to behold in this eclectic university we attend. I challenge everyone reading this to take a good look at themselves in the mirror tonight. I promise that the scariness subsides in a matter of seconds. These days, all it takes is a Google search to figure out the path to bettering yourself in any number of ways. All it takes is being honest with yourself. And hey, if you love who you are now, then keep at it my friend, I admire you for figuring yourself out. Now if you’ll excuse me, some orange chicken is calling my name.

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