Posted inColumns / Opinion

Share your feelings, but not in chalk

matt rooneyIf you think writing Hallmark level messages in chalk on the sidewalk will change anything you’re a fool, a silly fool. People with a real problem probably find it pandering, useless and if anything, causes incessant eye rolling.

Recently a movement on campus allowed students to write brief messages of love on the ground in chalks of assorted colors and such in light of recent suicides. You may have noticed the writing as you actively avoided eye contact with anyone who tried to hand you a piece of chalk.

They usually said something like “love is all around you,” or “hate takes love gives” or something silly and half-assed like that. Basically if Oprah could write something on a piece of chocolate that’s what it would be.

Now don’t get me wrong the people who put it together have their hearts in the right place. There’s nothing wrong with trying to spread a little love. The only problem is it’s just not effective. I’m not sure anyone who’s depressed has past by something like this and gone “Oh, all of my problems have gone away like a Dandelion in the wind!”

All these chalk writings and sadness walls do is allow people to anonymously write sentimental crap and walk away thinking they’ve saved a life. It’s the equivalent of putting a nickel in a UNICEF jar at McDonalds and then shouting, “I’m important now!” In a nutshell it takes a serious issue and in response gives people fodder for their boring Instagram account.

You know what does help? Actually talking like normal human beings. How about instead of a lame chalk wall how about we put up a Problems Board. Let’s give people a chance to open up about what’s actually bothering them in an open forum where they can feel like there are people around who will actually help. Because we all have problems; the thing is we all don’t realize it. That feeling that no one knows what you’re going through. And if you think that, you’re wrong.

We live in a vast world with billions of people and there are about ten real general problems that everyone is/has most likely gone through. The goal of anyone who cares is to let people know that and offer a helping hand. Communicating is hard but those who really wish to feel better need to do so and those who really want to help should be there to listen.

So don’t think because you wrote in chalk the same thing your grandma wrote in your birthday card did anything. You still didn’t communicate the way you should’ve. It takes real balls to open up about your problems to other people, but once those balls get rolling they’re impossible to stop. A gross analogy, yes, but I’m getting sad writing this so I had to perk myself up. Still, it’s probably better than anything written in chalk.

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