ASUW reviews senator responsibilities, art funds

ASUW met this Tuesday, gaveling in at 7:35 p.m. The minutes for last week’s meeting and the agenda for this week’s meeting were approved unanimously.

There was no old business, no debate or discussion of legislation and no votes made.

For new business, Senate Bills 2579 and 2580 received their first readings.

SB 2579, titled Revision of Individualized Senator Responsibilities, adds to the standing senator responsibilities that senators must hold round table discussions once per semester. Certain representatives must be present at these discussions.

“Senators shall be required to coordinate with representative members of their respective college to set up a roundtable discussion at minimum once per semester,” according to the legislation. “This roundtable shall consist of a minimum of; one (1) administrative representative from the Deans office, one (1) representative from any honorary societies recognized by the college, two (2) administrative representatives from departments in their respective college.”

SB 2579 was handed over to Steering and Student Outreach and Policy committees.

SB 2580, titled ASUW Support for a Campus Art Plan, would allocate funds from the ASUW reserve to pay for a consultant to complete the University of Wyoming Campus Art Plan.

According to the legislation, “be it enacted by the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) Student Government that $60,000 be spent out of the ASUW Reserve on consultant fees for the completion of the University of Wyoming Campus Art Plan as proposed in Addendum A.”

The bill says that ASUW would work with the UW President’s Public Art Committee, among other entities, on the Campus Art Plan.

According to the legislation, “be it further enacted that student designees assigned from the ASUW Student Government shall work alongside the UW President’s Public Art Committee and all other campus entities involved to facilitate the development of the Campus Art Plan.”

SB 2580 was steered to Budget and Planning and Student Outreach and Policy committees.

A move to cancel the ASUW meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 21.

“I move to amend the agenda to approve the consideration of the cancellation of the ASUW student senate meeting for Nov. 21, 2017,” Defebaugh said.

The motion was seconded.

“This is the Tuesday right before Thanksgiving. … It’s hard to get quorum on this night anyways,” Defebaugh said. “Most people should be travelling or a lot of people try to travel so I think having this meeting is a burden to some people and shouldn’t cause absences.”

There was no further discussion and the motion passed unanimously via standing vote. ASUW will not have a meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 1.

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