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There were no bills that we are watching were talked about today

I remember my much younger days when everyone I knew loved to watch cartoons, play video games, and just have a general desire for fun. Nowadays, all I see are people who believe all of these things are behind them, that enjoying these simple pleasures are for children and are seen as socially unacceptable for adults to partake in.

                  That mindset it a load of trash. People who believe that, in my opinion, are people who have lost their inner child and with that the ability to truly have fun and be happy. They’re in this mindset that because society seems to demand a certain image of what makes an adult mature, that they must simply follow it with no questions asked about why they have to abandon the things that used to bring them immense amounts of joy.

                  I would argue that, regardless of age or position in society, people should be able to enjoy their video games and cartoons without judgment from others (Although it is a good idea to still care about more important things like going to work and class.) The whole idea that enjoying content that was meant to bring entertainment and happiness is wrong just because someone has reached a certain age is totally flawed.

                  Don’t you remember waking up on the weekends as a kid and rushing to the T.V. just so you could watch your favorite cartoon or sleeping over at a friend’s house so you could stay up late and play that video game you guys loved? I find it terribly sad that so many people find having fun in these ways to be no longer acceptable. Sure, it might be a little weird to have sleepovers and chill in your pajamas as you work towards a degree, but the basic idea of being able to enjoy things such as cartoons or video games shouldn’t be seen as weird or wrong. These are simple things designed to entertain, not to measure age and maturity.

                  I think these simple distractions can actually be beneficial for a number of reasons. It could be as simple as filling your free time or as complex as improving your mental health by giving your brain a chance to escape all the stress and rest for a while, which is something that I would guess that anyone who is grinding through classes and work would crave on an almost instinctual level. Students who are happier and less stressed will perform better at everything they do, whether that is work or school.

                  I humbly suggest, as an avid fan of many video games and shows despite my age, that people try to remember all the absolutely amazing times they had growing up with these forms of entertainment and think about why they ever stopped enjoying them. I would be willing to bet that some people will come to the conclusion that they stopped due to feeling pressured by society to “act older.”

                  I think people need to try out their old favorites again and realize that just because they are older doesn’t mean they need to let go of their inner child and the happiness that can come from the simple pleasures. I’m not trying to say you should stop caring about that paper that is due at midnight or stop stressing about doing a good job at work. I’m simply trying to say that people need to stop letting go of things that make them happy, namely those games and shows that kept you up late as a kid with your friends.

Life is too short to stress about 24/7. Go out there and enjoy that Mario Kart race or that old SpongeBob episode that used to make you bust your gut laughing. There’s certainly no judgment coming from me and those who will judge don’t know how to truly have fun anymore. Do whatever makes you happy.

P.S. If what makes you happy is illegal, you probably shouldn’t do that. In fact, you definitely shouldn’t break the law, even if it is just for fun.

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