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Movies, shows and blabbermouths, oh my!

Dear Blabbermouths,

            Do you want to know what really grinds my gears? Too bad, I am going to tell you anyway because it’s time for this to stop. What really grinds my gears is when you’re sitting down for nice evening at the movie theater or even sitting down at home for a showing of a film you are really excited to watch, but then someone decides it is time to start talking like it is the end of the world and they absolutely must get out every piece of vernacular they know.

            There are some major problems with this situation, which happens way too often today. My first major issue with this is the disrespect that talking during a movie conveys to everyone else who is trying to watch the damn thing. People are there to enjoy themselves by immersing themselves in a story that takes them away from the real world for a couple hours. They are not there to listen to you talking about what you did that day or to listen to your stupid jokes about the film.

There is a time and a place for this kind of commentary and it is not when others around you are trying to escape reality for a short while. Life is hard enough as is. Why ruin this little slice of heaven for others?

            My second problem with this is the issue of disrespecting the film you are watching. Many, many hours go into creating a film regardless of its length, subject or who made it. Movies are an art form. Plain and simple. They are intended to be closely analyzed and enjoyed by those watching them. That is called immersion, my dear blabbermouths.

By speaking during these showings you are simply making yourself look like a fool who doesn’t respect all the hard work and messages included in these wonderful pieces art. I do not care if it is the damn LEGO Movie, show some gosh darn respect. People out there have sunk hundreds, if not thousands, of hours making these films. Respect that.

            All my life I have loved and enjoyed films. For some people, they can be the only means of escaping the harsh realities they live in, while for others it can be a simple distraction. In either case, you have got to respect the power behind movies and what they can do for others. By blabbing on and on through a movie, you are essentially walking up to each and every other person there who is actually watching the film and flipping them the bird right to their faces. I imagine that could get you socked in the face by a few people. I have been to the point where I wish I could do just that to some blabbermouth who thinks it is cool to talk throughout a movie.

I have ground my teeth to a fine powder and ripped hair out over this issue before and I am sure I will again. However, if you have any decency in that blabbing brain of yours, use it and shut your damn mouth while others are trying to enjoy themselves. Stop being disrespectful and try and really experience the films before you.

Perhaps if you tried to learn something from them you wouldn’t be such a terrible person, you blabbering motormouths. There is a time and place for chatting and it is not while at the movie theater or any other place where people are trying to enjoy art. Good day, you dorks. I said good day!

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