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Trail Running in Quarantine

COVID-19 has halted many upcoming events this spring, but the University of Wyoming Intramural Sports considers it the perfect opportunity for a trail running league. “With the Wyoming weather, we usually cannot do any outdoor activities until after spring break, so we had not originally planned on having any trail running league activity,” Recreation Sports Coordinator Clayton Hufford. The trail running league allows participants to travel the distance of three different long-range trails from anywhere. Three different leagues are based on the distances of the chosen trails: Timberline Trail at 38.3 total miles, Wonderland Trail at 93 total miles, and Sierra High Route at 195 total miles.

“We are doing this because even though people are quarantining right now, we want people still to reach each of their eight dimensions of wellness,” said Hufford.

Participants complete a certain number of miles per week recorded on a workout app and submit a screenshot of their workout to the Intramural Sports Workout Form.

“We are encouraging people to do this as an individual because we do want people to keep social distance with others; however, if partners who are in quarantine together want to participate in this, they can,” said Hufford. The intramural sports website also gives participants tips for staying safe while running, such as planning a route, when to run and what to be aware of while running.

“We have also offered that if people have a treadmill in their house or can walk around their property, they can do that instead of going out to trails. We understand that some people are not able to go to each trail, so it is more of a mileage award rather than people going out and actually walking each trail,” said Hufford.

Hufford also said that the Intramural Sports Department wanted to allow people to be active during a time where everything is at a standstill.

“I think that people are starting to get a little stir crazy being at home and want to be active while also following the CDC and WHO guidelines,” said Hufford.

It is important that while participants are practicing safe running and social distancing, they are also having fun and enjoying the league. “This has brought some normalcy back to my life, being able to get outside with my dog and listen to the peace and tranquility of nature has helped me and my mental health tremendously,” said Hufford. “Also, it allows people to see and enjoy nature and hopefully bring back a little normalcy to their lives.”

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