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Beating Quarantine Boredom

With finals week approaching and the end of online-only classes drawing near, the boredom of quarantine has begun to set in. With a limited amount of places to go and things to do, finding something fun to stay busy or for entertainment can be a struggle.

For most, getting outside and enjoying the spring weather has been a big part of beating quarantine boredom. Going for a walk, hike, or run have all become increasing trends as gyms are still closed, and the weather is getting nicer.

Though parks in many states have been closed due to COVID-19, paths stay open and allow people to run still, take a walk or bike along the pathway as long as they are yet following social distancing guidelines. Getting outside while incorporating exercise is also a way to get your body moving and give your eyes time away from a computer screen after studying for classes all day long.

Exercising is not the only thing to do outside during this time; many have found creative ways to get out and about. Because of the increased number of people utilizing neighborhood walking paths for walking or running, some members of the community have been creating sidewalk chalk drawings on their driveways.

Currently, using painter’s tape and sidewalk chalk to make geometric drawings on driveways has been an increasing trend on social media. This technique makes it look as if the driveway is made of stained glass, and is also a fun way to entertain younger children who some may be quarantined with.

Along with being creative with sidewalk chalk, painting has become a fun way to pass the time and beat the quarantine boredom. Filling balloons with paint and popping them over a canvas, hydro-dipping shoes, and water bottles and splatter painting a canvas have all become popular ways to utilize leftover paint and canvases during this time. For many, the time they would have used for work or a commute has turned into a time for creating and learning new ways to make art.

For some, sewing has also become a creative pastime. The need for protective facemasks has increased, and many have spent their time finding patterns online to help create masks with leftover fabric. For many, this has become a way not only to give back to their community but keep themselves entertained and productive at the same time.

Others have been using their time to teach themselves how to upcycle clothes as malls are temporarily closed, and online shopping has extended shipping dates. Video tutorials on how to crop t-shirts and sweatshirts, as well as how to upcycle dresses into skirts, have been increasingly popular on social media platforms. Some have also used this time to tye-dye old clothes with bleach, another popular social media trend.

For many, all of this extra time spent at home has pointed out design flaws or room for improvement within their households. Painting projects like painting wooden furniture, revamping an old piece with some new paint, or painting a wall with geometric shapes has become a way for many to stay entertained while improving their homes. Others have taken this time to deep clean and get rid of unnecessary decorations or pieces of furniture.
Yardwork, with the extra time spent at home and the changing of the seasons, is another way to stay busy during this time. Big retailers like Menards, Lowe’s, Walmart, and many more have still been open and selling yard work supplies and flowers. Many have taken this time to get outside and plant new flowers, put mulch down or touch up the lawn.

Many friends and family groups have also taken the time to create an at-home picnic or even take a picnic to a quiet location to enjoy a meal outside of the home. Having a picnic in the backyard, a courtyard outside of an apartment complex, or even in the grass of a park area while still following social distancing guidelines is another way to get out of the house while enjoying time with loved ones in the outdoors.

Some have also taken up the challenge of cooking and baking with the extra time on their hands. From baking and decorating cupcakes to cooking a new and challenging meal, many have expressed their creativity into baked dishes as a way of beating boredom and taking a break from classes and a busy work schedule. Trying new recipes, or even old methods that have not been mastered yet is a great way to stay entertained and enjoy fresh meals.
Though many places are closed for the health and safety of the community, following the guidelines for stay at home orders and social distancing does not have to be boring. By getting outside, finding a new recipe, or creating a new piece of art, there are many ways to beat the boredom that quarantine can create, all while staying safe and staying healthy.

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