Posted inOpinion

Should I get the COVID vaccine?

On April 20 the UW Communications sent an email to all employees and students explaining incentives for them to get the vaccination involving airpods and other high tech expensive apple products. 

The FDA is the Food and Drug Administration which was put in place in 1906. It was designed to protect the public against the impure and unsafe foods, drugs and cosmetics produced in America. 

The COVID vaccine is not approved by the FDA. The three vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen, were issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) which is different from an approval. According to the FDA site, a product is issued an EUA when the available evidence is evaluated and the known or potential risks and benefits are assessed. If the benefit is favorable to the risk then the EUA is issued.

Why is the COVID vaccine not completely FDA approved though? Why did it only get an EUA? 

Vaccines start in the lab with a research and discovery stage lasting two to four years. That progresses to a pre-clinical stage, lasting one to two years, where there is testing on animals. Then the FDA has 30 days to approve a clinical human testing stage. Also, during this time the company creating the vaccine submits a Biologics License Application to the FDA including data from the pre-clinical trials and details about manufacturing. The FDA makes a decision on if the vaccine is safe for people to take after the three phases of clinical testing and the prescribing and labeling information is approved. 

The process for a vaccine to be approved by the FDA typically takes 10 to 15 years. 

The COVID vaccine was created in less than a year. 

Johnson & Johnson already had to recall their vaccinations because it was giving blood clots to the healthy individuals who received it. Another vaccine is known to have a side effect of lumps in breasts, which is one of the first signs of breast cancer for women. 

Do you think our science has progressed so far that we can create a vaccine in one year that is safe for the public to take? 

There are other reasons as well why people don’t want the COVID vaccine and are very careful about other vaccines in general. 

First there is a religious reason. A number of vaccines are made with aborted fetus cells which many religions do not agree with and consider murder. 

Second, vaccines have proven side effects of speech delays, allergies, asthma, ADHD and more. Furthermore, there is a MTHFR mutation, which most people have due to it being genetic and therefore passed down from parents, that can cause bad reactions to vaccines depending on the person and how many mutations of MTHFR that person has. People don’t generally get tested for MTHFR so it would be unknown if you have one of the MTHFR mutations or both. 

The university has been pushing vaccines to its students and faculty, and now everyone ages 16 and up can get the vaccine in the state of Wyoming along with other states. 

A university is designed to educate, find and interpret information so students may make decisions themselves. A university is not supposed to make decisions for you. Their job is to inform and make available vaccines for students. So why is the university bribing and giving incentives for the students to get vaccinated?

Now the university is talking of requiring the vaccine for the fall. 

Again, the COVID vaccine is new and unknown, so the university requiring it of their students is an oblivious and stupid idea that would make them lose students and employees. If you can’t trust the university to make wise decisions, then why ask them for an education in the first place. 

Furthermore, if they require non-FDA approved vaccines for “public health” then what else can they require of us? Does that make the university liable for any side effects from the vaccine? 

So should I hold off on getting the COVID vaccine? Does Biden struggle with stairs? 

I am in no way a medical professional and it is not my job to be. It is my job to ask questions and report on it. 

You can get the vaccination if you want. It is a personal decision that you have the freedom to choose to do or not. For those of you who are timid about talking about your vaccination choice, there is HIPAA. 

HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, put in place in 1996, and it is a federal law requiring protection for sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without their consent or knowledge. 

It is your choice and your freedom to make that choice. In World War 1 and 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Iraq War 429,945 Americans died in combat so that you would never be controlled and not able to make your own decision: a little something we Americans like to call freedom.  

If you want to get the non-FDA approved COVID vaccine because of the “3.22 million” global deaths out of the 7.9 billion poeple inhabiting the globe, which is 0.04%, that is your choice.  

The 0.04% of deaths seems small, however, how many people do you know or have heard of who have passed away with COVID? If you apply the Six Degrees of Separation Theory to this, which is a theory stating one person can be connected to anybody in the world through six mutual connections, it puts it into perspective. 

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