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Getting involved on campus is a great start for incoming freshmen

Greetings to all the new high school graduates! You’ve completed a major milestone and you might already have plans for what to do next.

For those of you that will join the University of Wyoming community this fall, I encourage you to start your first year of college off by engaging in on-campus activities.

Beginning college can be quite daunting, especially for my fellow out-of-staters. It’s a completely new environment with very little parental guidance (which you’ll come to find is one of the best parts). You will be met with plenty of opportunities for future goals and chances to make new friends.

With COVID-19 cases decreasing and vaccine numbers rising, the university is looking at a more traditional college environment for fall 2021. This exciting news points to an increase in on-campus activities during the coming school year.

Participating in said on-campus activities will definitely help you make the absolute most out of your college experience. For starters, it can lead to building new friendships that will blossom over the next years. Having a strong support system in college is truly wonderful, and the friendships that you build here might last a lifetime!

Spending time on campus is also a great way to get to know your new surroundings. If you’re like me and you barely knew anything about Laramie before attending college at UW, it will be beneficial to get your bearings during the beginning of the school year. I encourage incoming freshmen to explore the main buildings and find a favorite on-campus coffee shop (there are some great options).

Although college graduation is far in the future for new freshmen, it’s never too early to start building your network for an upcoming career. Attending career-focused on-campus activities and events, such as the job fair, is a great way to do this. It can also help you select a major if you are undeclared. Get in touch with people who work in fields you are interested in and watch your network grow!

Another great reason to participate in on-campus activities is the amount of fun you will have. The first event I ever attended was a barbecue on Prexy’s Pasture during my freshman year. The food was delicious, there were tons of people (and really cute dogs) to meet, and it helped me to get out of my shell. Make sure to keep an eye out for these beginning-of-the-year events because they are a great way to socialize, and who would turn down free food?

Even though summer has just begun, there’s no shame in getting excited for the college journey ahead of you. Getting involved on campus and attending university events are great ways to kick off the school year for new members of the Cowboy community. 

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