Posted inASUW

ASUW candidates explain why voting is important

Students still have one day to vote in the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming elections before polls close on Friday, April 14. Results of the elections will be announced Friday at 5 pm in the Union Skylight Lounge.   

“ASUW has a budget of over 1.1 million dollars. Students should have a say in what they do with it,” Van Messter, an ASUW senate candidate, said. 

“Students need to vote to ensure that their student government is serving them and representing their voices.”  

Carter Worchester, a senate hopeful, echoed similar sentiments. 

“Voting is the first step into learning who your ASUW senators are going to be so that in the future, if you ever have questions or concerns, you have a sense of connection that you can establish with people,” he said. 

Others, like senate candidate Paden Knull, want people to recognize what ASUW does and how much power they really have. 

“A lot of people don’t realize that things ASUW does have a lasting impact on campus, like SafeRide was a project started by ASUW,”  Knull said. “It’s important to get the students’ input and have them participate in this democratic procedure.” 

They also have input across the state, which presidential candidate Rhiannon McLean outlined. 

“They represent you not just within the administration but at a state legislature level. So if you want to have a voice in that, and you want to be represented in that, you should vote,” McLean said. 

Saber Smith and Jessica Petri, President, and VP candidates, respectively, added that campaigning is a difficult process. 

“ASUW candidates put in a lot of effort to run for elections,” Smith and Petri said. 

“Students should vote to show their support for candidates and to take steps to start fixing the problems on their campus.” 

Peri Hennigar, who is running for senate, added that people should just go out and vote. 

“Everyone’s vote is a very important thing no matter what your beliefs are, like, get out there and vote,” Hennigar said. 

Carissa Mosness (she/her) is a Senior at the University of Wyoming studying English Literary Studies and Creative Writing. She has worked for The Branding Iron since February of 2022, and during has covered a variety of topics ranging from sports to breaking news.

She plans to graduate in the spring of 2023 and move to New York City where she will pursue her dream of becoming a traditionally published author, as well as working for The New York Times.

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