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Welcoming New ASUW Directors and Security Systems

ASUW held its first meeting of the physical school year 2023-2024 on August 29th where the Director of the Wyoming Union and Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, Eric Kahl, and Quinn Marquardt, the Associate Director of Operations gave a special presentation on campus safety and future operations, in addition to confirming new ASUW committee directors.

Kahl’s goal is to rekindle the idea of the Union to make it the “living room” of campus, along with the safety of students.

“Before this year, we did not have any security cameras in this building. Not a single one,” said Marquardt. There are now cameras that have a 180° and 360° viewpoint, with more to be installed in the coming weeks to eliminate blind spots within the Union.

Despite being so new, the cameras have already proven to be of use for recent events. To address further safety of the Union, the University of Wyoming Police Department came and inspected the Union. Pointing out where there were blind spots for the cameras, and where there needed to be updated door security.

Marquardt states, “That’s what that safety assessment was, but they (UW PD)
indicated probable areas within the building where we had no security whether that be locks that needed to be locked.”

Additionally, in June the Union hosted multiple police departments over three days to enact an active SWAT training. These included but were not limited to the University of Wyoming Police Department, Laramie Police Department, Albany County Sheriff’s Department, National Guard, and many other areas of law enforcement.

The training was to practice if an active threat was presented on campus, and how law enforcement would respond to it. Another new addition to campus safety are S2 door locks. With the new system, approved faculty and staff are required to use their WyoOne ID to enter.

This allows the system to record who comes in and out of specific areas. Currently, these updated door systems are located at the Multi-Cultural Center, where it is already ensuring the safety of students and staff.

The following were nominated and confirmed for their positions in ASUW: Anthony Stoeter-Director of Justice and Equity. Jessica Yang-Director of Student Organizations and Outreach. Augustus Mahiew-Director of Finance. Jerry Henderson-Director of Policy and Analysis. Joy Gavidia Francia Director of Wellness.

Lastly, ASUW tabled the College Committee Reports and an IOC Meeting review. The next ASUW meeting is at 7:00p.m. on September, 5.

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