Posted inASUW

ASUW creates new Ad-Hoc committee

On Tuesday, September 12, the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) held it’s weekly Senate meeting in which they discussed a variety of subjects, including a funding request from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity, the confirmations of the new Director of Community and Government Affairs, and Director of Student Organizations and Outreach, several bill proposals, and the formation of an Ad-Hoc committee on ASUW Autonomy of Expenditures.

As their first order of business, the ASUW Senate allowed representatives of the SAE fraternity to outline their plan and budget requirements of $10,750 for a proposed ‘EDM concert’ on October 17, with the goal of using fraternity mall to host the event, and specifying that they hope it provides an opportunity for all students of the University of Wyoming to participate and enjoy the event, not just those involved in Greek Life on campus.

After a handful of clarifying questions, the Senate unanimously voted to approve SAE’s plan and budget.

The Senate then moved to its confirmation of two selected applicants, Jessica Yang and Laura Murphy, for the positions of Director of Community and Government Affairs, and Director of Student Organizations and Outreach, respectively.

ASUW President Saber Smith introduced and endorsed each applicant, before allowing each candidate to speak on their own behalf for why they felt suited for the role.

After some direct questioning of each candidate by Senate members, and some deliberation as to whether senators supported, or opposed the confirmation of each candidate, both applicants were confirmed. Yang’s confirmation was unanimous, and Murphy’s confirmation had the support of 15 senators, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining.

The Senate then discussed a handful of new bills legislated by various senators. Of particular note were two new bills, Senate Bill #2894: A Bill to Establish a Sole Subject Rule for ASUW Legislation, and Senate Bill #2896: ASUW Committee Transparency Act.

S.B 2894 was authored by the Chief of Legislative Affairs, Rylan Knopp, and sponsored by Sens. Medina and McGuire. The bill seeks to reduce lengthy ‘omnibus bills’ in order to reduce the workload that senators, and executives take on when comprehending omnibus bills and to reasonably separate them into multiple bills to reduce the size, and make their purpose more transparent.

S.B 2896 had similar goals to S.B 2894, and was authored by Sen. Langford and sponsored by Sens. Grimm and Gomelsky.

The bill seeks to implement a ‘Standing Committee Transparency Policy’ which outlines various guidelines related to the availability of ASUW’s agenda and minutes as well as having better forms of disclosure to students about when and where Senate meetings are held.

The bill also states that easier access to information, making the senate chambers ADA accessible, as well as ample time for public testimony during meetings will be worked towards and implemented so as to better serve the student population and ensure they are well-informed of the standing committees’ business.

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