Posted inCampus Clubs / Feature

Union After Dark: A Safe Place 

On Friday, Sept. 29, 7220 Entertainment hosted their monthly Union After Dark, but this one took on the unique theme of 100 years of Homecoming. 

The event hosted all kinds of activities in the Union starting at 8:00 p.m., the biggest hits being the mechanical bull, decorating your own cowboy hat, bingo, and mocktails.

After all the activities to end the night there was a comedy show hosted by Mekki Leeper. 

The biggest hit of the night was cowboy hat decorating. People arrived looking for cowboy hats, forming a line all the way down the hall on the second floor of the Union. They had multiple color options and lots of feathers and patches to decorate with. 

7220 Entertainment planned accordingly and there were enough cowboy hats for everyone.

“We usually expect to see about 250 to 300 people throughout the night,” said Journy Clawson, a student coordinator with 7220 Entertainment.

With the help of 7220 Entertainment, Union after Dark is a place where students can feel safe and have fun. Sadie Brown, a student at UW, reflected on an event in the past that 7220 had hosted and how it made her feel safe. 

“All the events have always felt really safe. Like they did the pride karaoke at a bar. And I’d never been to a bar,” she said. “I was just like ‘These people are nice. These people care about everyone.’ There are people here to make sure that we are safe.” 

AJ Romanishan, another student at UW, noted how the events were inclusive and always made them feel like the campus itself came together during these events. 

“I also feel like the events are very inclusive. Because obviously it’s Wyoming. You know [Laramie is] a very diverse population and there can be some animosity, but we can all come together,” they said. “We can do this. We can do this together.” 

Many students throughout the night expressed how much they loved Union After Dark and how it brings the campus together for the night. One student who dresses up as Spider-Man to make people smile wore his costume to the event and rode the mechanical bull. When asked about his take on Union After Dark he responded:

“I love it so much. It’s so much fun. It gets people together and in all honesty, it bonds freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors and even sometimes professors and graduate assistants together to be just one. Instead of student to teacher, older kid to younger kid. It makes it so we’re all enjoying ourselves as a unit.” 

7220 Entertainment is always looking for volunteers to help plan their next event. They hold their volunteer meetings in Union room 12 every Monday at 5:00 p.m. 

The next Union After Dark will be held on Oct. 27, 2023.

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