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ASUW Student Survey results

The Branding Iron wishes to provide students with the results of the survey in order to allow the readership to review what is provided and make their own inferences about what the data may suggest. We do not claim to have an outright interpretation of the following data. 

On Oct. 4, 2023, the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (ASUW) released a survey to the student body with the aim of gaining insight to student opinion about bill SB#2898. 

Bill SB#2898 addresses the spending of nearly half a million dollars to renovate an existing space within the Wyoming Union and turn it into a larger conference room for the senate of ASUW. Initially, the bill seemed to face major backlash within and outside the organization, with members of the student body expressing discontent with the bill. 

The survey, which students were incentivized to take with a chance to win a game console, asked a series of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ questions related to food insecurity and access to winter clothing. Following these was a poll about bill SB#2898 with a brief explanation which attempts to explain the details of the bill. 

The explanation read:

“The ASUW Senate recently passed SB #2898 which will be vetoed by the ASUW President. What is your opinion of this ASUW legislation (justifications for the move are listed in the bill): SB 2898 ASUW office move approval act Summary: ASUW has the opportunity to move office spaces. If passed, this bill will allocate $230,972 to renovate this new space, mainly for adding a new conference room. The Union is planning on spending an additional $217,541 from the Union Fee on the project, for a total cost $448,514. ASUW’s share would come from the ASUW Facilities Endowment.”

The survey results that we obtained show this:

  • 22% state they “Strongly disagree”
  • 18% state they “Somewhat disagree”
  • 40% state they “Neither agree or disagree”
  • 14% state they “Somewhat agree”
  • 6% state they “Strongly Agree” 

After the poll, participants were asked to, “Please explain your choice for the previous question regarding the office move.”

The following is a list of all responses included in the list in the order provided. Excluded from the responses are three instances of the response “NA” and two instances of a lone punctuation mark. The responses have been copied directly and have no modification other than the addition of quotation marks around the response. 


“I am not well versed in the needs of the ASUW senate”

“A lot of the present ones remain unused”

“Instead of moving or renovating office spaces it is better to focus on the need of students”

“I don’t believe we need the adding of a new conference room let alone spend almost $500k when there are other things we could spend that on.”

“Seems frivolous”

“AWUS does not need a new office. This money could be spent to better the school as a whole and provide opportunities for students. The office does not benefit the students.”

“If the space created by the renovations would be used for the general UW student population, to better our experience in one way or another, I agree with using the allotted money for
that purpose. That said, if the money could be used in better places to support the UW experience for those of us struggling, I would much rather see the money used elsewhere.”

“You guys don’t need a new office. You need to solve actual problems.”

“Save money live better”

“I don’t know how much the office issue matters and why it will cost so much..”

“While I agree that the office space needs to move, if the ASUW promised to cut spending, they cannot justify a bill that is well over budget.”

“More space is clearly needed for ASUW do accomplish their mission. Also the layout looks great”

“It helps students but it is a very large amount of money.”

“If there is already going to be funds invested to improving the union, why not share some of that cost with ASUW”

“If these renovations are needed and useful it should definitely be done as soon as possible”

“The money that ASUW Senate wishes to use for itself should instead be used towards the student body”

“When staff/faculty work in knight and Orr, this seems needless”

“Waste of money”

“It’s self-indulgent and self-important. It’s an unreasonable use of fees by a group that claims they represent students and shows they represent very little else but themselves.”

“Funds could most likely be used for other higher priority uses”

“I think more funds should go to help with more student scholarships, especially towards students who may be struggling financially, instead of towards a new office space.”

“I think the more innovation the better. Yes, it is a pain during construction but at the end of every construction site there is a better product that the students are happy with”

“I am not familiar with the current space, so cannot pass judgement on if it needs to be renovated.”

“Do you really need almost 500,000 dollars for student government offices? That money could be spent on something better that would help all students, not just a select few.”

“Appearance matters so much. I saw the office the other day and yeah the inside looked nice but it wasn’t the most inviting place ever.”

“The government should not be given money to renovate a space where there are people going hungry, working 3 jobs, and can barely afford clothing let alone tuition.”

“doesn’t affect me very much either way”

“Don’t know enough”

“I don’t have an opinion.”

“I don’t really do anything in the Union so it’s not making much of a difference to me”

“Purely up to choice, having more space isn’t always better but sometimes it can be nice. A new environment is also nice, sometimes you just need a change in scenery to want to work
hard and do better. At least that’s how it is for me.”

“Neutral decision”

“Would not be a choice I would be able to decide on”

“I am unsure of the exact impact of this bill but do not see any harm or benefit for myself”

“I don’t know if this is a necessary use of the money students pay to go to school here.”

“I can see how it would be beneficial, but I would like additional information.”

“I agree because that makes it more fair in my opinion”

“Stop spending so much of my money on trivial things like this and give me an actual education please”

“I think the money could be better spent, on keeping the roads around campus safe and maintained, especially during the winter.”

“I think it should be vetoed. I do think that money would benefit students in other ways such as food pantries, hygiene products, student engagement, even giveaways (school supplies,
warm clothes). While the office sounds cool i feel like the current office serves its purpose well. Also the senate size has shrunk so I believe thats too much money to be spending
where students cannot get direct benefits from. I agree with President Smith!”

“There are certainly better places for the university to allocate 400,000+ dollars, y’all don’t need a new conference room”

“I don’t feel like I am well enough informed to have an opinion.”

“I’m in favor of the move but also can see why that much money would be a waste.”

“There are better things for ASUW to spend money and effort on. With conferencing and WFH technology as capable as it is, office space should be a low priority.”

“Is a new office space truly a necessity, or a want? Could we put the money towards better parking, or a bonus for professors?”

“Dont know enough about either side”

“This seems like a ridiculous use of funding that could be spent on resources for the betterment of UW students. This would only benefit the members of ASUW members which seems
like an outrageous use of that much funding.”

“I think it’s fine as long as you don’t use the money irresponsibly”

“We as students need more but hey, as long as you look good on zoom right?”

“I am not informed enough to give an definitive opinion”

“I have no strong opinion”

“I don’t use offices”

“Its ok i guess”

“There are other facilities that i would benefit from upgrades”

“I believe that there are better and other areas for that money to go and be spent.”

“Fix the elevators in the dorm and improve the food at wash”

“We could use the money for more useful things for all students on campus”

“Money could be used elsewhere”

“If it makes ASUW more efficient to have a new space and the new conference room is available for other student orgs to use, the office move is understandable.”

“I live by a simple code. Never vote “YES” on spending projects, because what they say they’ll spend will turn out to be too little and then they’ll have to dig into other places (charging
students) to pay for the renovations.”

“Even though I stated slightly disagree, I would need more information as to what the current structure looks like and if a new conference room is actually needed.”

“I think sidewalks should be getting fixed as well as other buildings have faulty equipment that should be fixed first.”

“It doesn’t seem like a necessary thing. The money should be spent to make the school more accessible. Most elevators in engineering building are out of order. Assisted doors don’t
work , and sidewalks are not accessible for any person.”

“So long as it is necessary.”

“I shouldn’t be charged for you to make a new office space.”

“Spend spend spend”

“I don’t really know a lot about the details.”

“I feel like allowing money for renovations is unneeded. If the space works how it is, there is not a need for a renovated space unless there has been damage done to the space”

“If you’re actually worried about issues, you don’t need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a new office space”

“i’m not really in the ASUW office space so if they do it great! and if not that’s okay too”

“I think that is a lot of money to be asking for and it could probably be solved in an effective way that is more cost efficient, but I do value accessibility and everyone should have their
needs met.”

“I feel that the office move is not a wise expenditure and use of student money. It does not help students in any way for the Student Governemnt to have a bigger or nicer office space.
They can do thier jobs as they have already been doing without the expense of money that could be used for other more important projects. For example, The Anthropology building
lacks adequate student space not only for studying, but also for working on prjects. There should be lab spaces available for use considering it is one of the sciences and compared to
other buildngs, it ciuld really use some help! Other areas of need are the DSS areas. The place is literally falling a part. But, our senate feels they should get a new office? Come on
Senate… You can do better! You need to care more about students than yourselves.”

“Horrible and pointless waste of money”

“From the article I read in the paper, you guys can still use the space and if you need a conference room you can always put a hold on one. Use that money for something that you
actually need that you do not have.”

“I feel that there are much more important and pressing issues around the university that that funding could and should be used to address.”

“the offices are in a very good spot but a conference room is hardly used by students.”

“Seems expensive and unnecessary but I’m not using it so it’s difficult to have an opinion”

“That money should go to money that the majority of students actually use.”

“Can’t 200,000 dollars be spent somewhere more productive for the students?”

“I do not know how funds work for ASUW, therefore I have no opinions on the matter.”

“I’ve never been to the ASUW office so I don’t know how much of a need they need for a new space”

“There are many student spaces that should be renovated ahead of ASUW spaces.”

“It could be spent on other things more beneficial to students.”

“ASUW is very important, I could see this money going to a very beneficial place.”

“Not enough information.”

“I understand expanding physical office space can benefit productivity.”

“To me it just seems like another reason to increase tuition”

“Feels unnecessary”

“Neutral on the subject, anyway the decision goes, does not really impact me because I don’t use that facility often.”

“It is always nice to have updated spaces at UW. It is best to stay up on maintaining the campus.”

“Just don’t do it”

“No opinion”

“I don’t really need a conference room but I do know others at the University do”

“I dont think a new conference room is necassary. Something else should go there.”

“Idc lol”

“I have no opinion on it”

“I’m very pro making those spaces more accessible”

“Seems a bit expensive”

“Doesn’t effect me.”

“This does not benefit all students. Only ASUW or any groups who would have access or use the conference room and other areas.”

“This could open up more space and freedom towards ASUW students and give them a more inviting space to be in.”

“I feel like their offices now should be good enough I mean it’s not the President of the US”

“Seems like money could be used for something that benefits more students.”

“Money could be better spent on parking for students, the pressing issue.”

“The current offices are perfectly fine.”

“No opinion”

“idk seems like we need to renovate it then”

“That money should be spent in other ways”

“ASUW is important for our school.”

“I am indifferent about the issue.”

“The space already works and we have so many conference rooms around campus”

“Fiscally irresponsible”

“I would suggest using money on something else more useful than moving offices. However, I am not aware of the requirements to move office.”

“Beautification of campus is a priority for potential students and student recreuitment.”

“This money better spent on students, this is the urgent issue, not a new fancy conference room that will take firevero be built and for sure will be over budget.”

“Im not well informed enough to have a solid opinion”

“That money could be better used elsewhere.”

“we don’t need a new conference room we need to keep our parking lots and make hot drinks free after -20°F”

“That money should be allocated towards more parking not another conference room.”

“The money should be spent on the students needing food and winter clothing”

“This amount of money can be instead used to help Students with food and clothing.”

“I have no insight into whether or not extra space is needed or if that’s a reasonable cost”

“Feels like funds could be used better but i am not opposed to it i guess”

“I’d rather our tuition money go towards things that will benefit the students not the over paid admin”

“I think there are better ways to use the money, but I won’t be here after this semester so I think other students opinions matter more.”

“I would like to know why that much money is needed and why the need for the move? Seems like a lot of money for an office move. Seems like it could possibly go towards more
needed updates or areas.”

“It’s okay”

“thats a lotta dough”

“Seems like a waste of money. Parking would be a great use if that money”

“Unpopular among students and that it will get vetoed.”

“If it’s coming from a facilities endowment that sounds fine.”

“I feel like the money can be better spent elsewhere.”

“i feel like it would help them help us”

“Unclear the need for spending so much to simply move offices.”

“You don’t need new offices, especially not half a million dollars worth. Especially when there are afro mentioned food security student who would use help or students needing winter

“I honestly haven’t heard of the office space problem before this survey.”

“We have plenty of conference rooms. Don’t waist nearly half a million dollars to renovate another one.”

“I would need more information on the benefits of doing this”

“If ASUW needs more space, then they need more space. But if the president disagrees, then maybe space is not the priority, and the money should be used somewhere else”

“I think that the growth of the ASUW means that there should be growth of the spaces needed to perform essential functions of ASUW”

“From my understanding, part of the impetus for the move in office spaces is to increase accessibility. However, the new location is still in a building lacking accessibility options to even
enter. I somewhat agree with the office move because I am not interested in letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Accessibility changes are not a binary yes/no answer and
tend to compound on each other. However, I have only selected ‘slightly agree’ because I have not toured the premises to gain a better idea of how much or how little the move will
improve accessibility.”


“This seems like a lot of money to be spent that could be spent on allocating funds for student activities or even scholardships or emergency funding for students.”

“ASUW should only grow if UW as a whole grows. According to data, UW is not growing.”

“I trust that they need that space in order to operate effectively”

“I don’t see the point in spending that much money”

“Is $400,000 worth potentially 10 more people in a conference room. What’s going to happen with the existing office? Can’t ASUW reserve one of many spaces on campus for group
meetings? It seems like an unnecessary move and large sum of money that could be used in more important way. How about a space for students with young children?”

“Don’t have enough information to justify”

“Thats a lot of money that could be used differently”

“Money can be used better elsewhere”

“That’s too much money. Spend that on a concert for students.”

“Don’t know what the benefit of y’all moving would be. Does the old office space get opened up for other users or is it just gonna be wasted?”

“The old ones are fine”

“Given that ASUW is constantly gaining more traction and interest, I feel as though expansion has to come as a result. Additionally, there are many avenues that could be taken in order
to gain back the money lost from the infrastructure changes. Vetoing the bill is unreasonable without at least giving it a chance.”

“I think the money should be spent on other things that are more important than an office change.”


“This allocation already comes from money that is budgeted and ASUW does need a new office space since the current ones are currently very cramped, however, it’s still spending good
money and as a broke college student, I’d prefer to be able to pay less every year and let ASUW remain cramped.”

“As long as the expenditure doesnt affect other programs it doesn’t matter to me.”

“I just do not know enough of this to agree or disagree.”

“There doesn’t seem to be a need for office renovations”

“If spending more money make the operations of ASUW achievable for more students, I agree with the movement”

“Facilites should be paid for by endowments and budgets that are for the express purpose of facilities.”

“Need to know more about how exqctly 230k was arrived at and how it would be spent.”

“Seems reasonable”

“The university and ASUW could find a new place to put their money into renovations like Disability support services, dean of students, expanding the University Store and many other
things that would benefit all students vs the few that participate in ASUW.”

“I feel like there’s plenty of spaces that are available in the union that ASUW can utilize to further their goals, at a more affordable cost to the student body. If the question is accessibility
then perhaps the question of moving the ASUW offices to a different location in the union might be a better choice, but I don’t see why a meeting room needs to go in their ‘space'”

“Money should be going towards providing better quality food for the students, not towards wasting money on stuff for ASUW.”

“I think it would be cool to have some new places and some freedom to make it look how we want it to look and having something new is always fun.”

“I’m not sure what ASUW even does.”

“It’s good to work in a good space.”

“Waste of money, spend students’ money on students.”

“The money could be better spent for parking for students or for scholarships for students who are white and traditional age as most current scholarships are for non-traditional or colored

“Dont care?”

“I don’t think so much money should be allocated to that.”

“I’m not educated enough”

“It’s doesn’t seem necessary, could be spent on other things”

“I’m not sure what exactly the space would be used for and don’t know enough about it sorry.”

“Don’t follow the ASUW Senate decisions, so I haven’t really created an opinion on whether this is a necessary expenditure or not”

“I am unsure of the office conditions but that’s a lot of money and I feel as if it could be used elsewhere. However if it’s granted and can only be used for a new office space then go
ahead and use it. Also I personally have never seen or heard of issues where people are fighting over the conference room space. I have had many of presentations in the conference

“I don’t have an opinion on this really.”

“I guess it is a good idea.”

“It has no impact on me”

“Waste of money to move”

“I’d love an expansion”

“The money you use to renovate the new space will undoubtedly ultimately come from students. Your first priority as representatives of the student body should be lower student fees
any way you can. I’m also not convinced you would see much benefit to students from the proposed move.”

“I feel like that’s a lot of money and it’ll be easy to meet elsewhere in the numerous buildings we have”

“Why spend so much to move the office, put the almost half a million to something better”

“I am graduating this year and it will not effect me”

“I don’t know enough about the circumstances to comment confidently”

“It won’t effect me greatly”

“If ASUW has the funds to do so, they should expand their offices. It doesn’t affect me at all so I don’t mind.”

“Do what is needed”

“I don’t really understand what that would mean for the rest of students.”

“Why are you spending an unnecessary $450,00 to renovate your offices? That’s shallow and cruel to the rest of the students, when the money could be put to public facilities for the
entire student body to use.”

“The cost seems excessive for renovating a conference room”

“It’ll be nice to have more space.”

“No opinion”

“This doesn’t affect me”

“As long as the money is being used efficiently and effortlessly I think it can be good. But if they don’t use it responsibly then it will not be very effective.”

“We should use the money for student related expenses”

“It does not affect me”


“It’s always nice to have newer buildings”

“Go for it. I don’t care either way”

“Sounds good”

“Mostly agree but I think the conference room should have uses outside of ASUW (e.g. club meetings or smaller seminars)”

“I think that money could be spent putting more food options in the Union instead”

“I feel there are other areas on campus that could benefit from this money. I would like to see alternative plans drawn up as to where these funds could be used instead.”

“Figure out parking situations first before you spend money one a limited group”

“I don’t care where the ASUW office is located”

“Our money should be spent on things that benefit the while student body not just asuw”

“The wording on this isn’t very clear, but I support the veto because I think the funds would be better spent elsewhere.”

“Without more information cannot form a strong opinion either way and with a lack of compelling evidence for the affirmative slightly disagree”

“I feel as though the money could be allocated to a better use than renovation – or, at the least, less money could be used for the removation.”

“I personally beleive that the is entirely unnecessary and the money would be better used elsewhere”

“The union could use some new equipment and upgrades!”

“I feel as though it is unnecessary and using a lot of money that could go to different causes.”

“A nice office helps productivity and maybe bring more members in”

“I’ve heard from friends that work in the Union that the space could use some serious maitenance/renovation. It’s a lot of money, but I understand why it needs to happen.”

“I do not know the larger ramifications or even available reallocation of these funds.”


“Do not care as it does not effect me much”

“I don’t think ASUW needs half a million dollar offices.”

“Good idea to upgrade renovate”

“Seems like a lot of money, not sure if necessary”

“there are conference spaces for free to use else where at UW. Use those for free or a possible minimal charge.”

“Should be utilizing finances elsewhere that impact student body more directly.”

“I honestly don’t know enough about this to feel like I could justify any opinion on the matter.”

“Don’t need a conference room personally”

“There are enough rooms on campus that if ASUW is struggling with finding enough room to hold their meetings, they may utilize one of the available spaces (ie the EERB has a board
room that is not often utilized). There is no need to spend extra money on renovating new spaces, since meeting spaces are already available.”

“I do not have enough information to justify whether I believe this is a good or bad choice, so I remain neutral to the matter.”

“Why spend money on something that does not affect the average student in the slightest way. Heres a great idea: spend that money on parking areas for students, create scholarships…”

“why should i give a fuck”

“I do not know if the current office space is inadequate for the purposes of ASUW, but it seems like a large sum of money would be spent on something miniscule when it could go
towards other issues on campus.”

“Money should be going to real issues on campus like parking or students who need help with food and clothing. There is plenty of nice conference space at Uwyo.”

“This bill is some bullshit. Keep the money for something else. Stand strong.”

“As a student not a part of ASUW this affects me minimally”

“I would rather have spaces created for different student communities on campus not ASUW.”

“This decision does not directly impact me so I do not have an opinion on it”

“I think I need more information before I decide.”

“I honestly have no opinion on the matter, as long as tuition is not raised.”

“It’s a great idea for the bill to pass helping the student goverment”

“Don’t have an opinion”

“There are better things to spend the money on.”

“I can’t think of a reason to be for or against the move.”

“If all of ASUW agreed then do it, vetoing it seems like an abuse of power? Like what’s the reason ??”

“I feel like there are more important things to focus on besides new office space”

“I really like the old office and prefer to keep it where it is”

“The money can go towards funding those who need it”

“That money could go literally anywhere else.”

“Sounds like a great idea!”

“I put slightly agree mainly due to not understanding the purpose for moving office spaces. What will this do for the people using the space, who will benefit? Not know or understanding
this makes me agree with the presidents decision.”


“An additional conference would create an opportunity increased revenue.”

“I feel like it could be good to have a new conference room, but it will cost a lot of money.”

“If youre asking if people need help on campus and want a new office siunds like those people wont get help”

“I don’t think it really affects me, so I don’t care”

“The ASUW needs a space thats functional and can further support ASUWs mission.”

“I don’t see the need for it really.”

“I feel neutral to this issue, I don’t see how it affects me”

“I think is important to have a conference room, but maybe that money could go to support students with scholarships.”

“This is a crazy amount of money going towards something that isn’t entirely needed. There are so many areas in which the money could go towards (will list my options below). It feels
like the common student’s ideas and needs are often neglected, so this is an opportunity to hear out these voices.”

“Thats a lot of money to be spent on the office move.”

“It is needed”

“An office is an office.”

“Doesnt affect me”

“I think it would make ASUW more accessible.”

“More accessibility is always a good thing”

“How would this benefit students every day? If this could help spread resources through the university to both on campus and off campus students, then I agree.”

“The money shall be spent wisely”

“I think that money could be better spent than on office spaces. There are already so many spaces on campus for the ASUW to meet if needed, and those funds could be better spent
on supporting the student body. Suggestions include monetary support for the food pantry, scholarships, etc.”

“To me it doesn’t matter if the office is moved or not. If the funds were already allocated for this then it should go to moving the office”

“I havent done enough research”

“it doesn’t really impact me”

“I am indifferent”

“Spending an absurd amount of money on new offices yourselves when your current offices are perfectly fine, and you have accomplished absolutely nothing notable for the student
body in the last 3 years to deserve it, is insane and honestly, insulting.”

“It does not effect me directly so I am indifferent.”

“I only saw the one budget plan but additional renovations work!”

“I’m not sure I fully understand based on the summery, but I’m don’t necessarily thing a new office space/ conference room in the union is necessary.”

“I think ASUW needs bigger space to operate.”

“Spend money on students”

“Feels like a bit of a waste”

“I’m not informed enough to have an opinion”

“I don’t really care, so go ahead”

“I think that the money should go towards something beneficial for the students rather than simply the student government. Also the Union does not need any more renovations”

“You’re trying to better the Union and the spaces in the Union but is this for students to hang out in? That’s unclear.”

“Student Fees should be going to more important things when there are plenty of spaces in the union that can act as a conference room”

“I’m not sure how this would affect me.”

“What is the new space needed for”

“If the location of the office is important to the sixes of its members as well as keeping the students best interest in mind I believe we could be able to allocate such monies towards this
location and it’s budget, I would like to look into this further before actually playing a vote or sayin what I think would be best. Discussion about this would need to be had as to pros
/cons and budgets in the near and far future for ASUW”

“I just don’t really care.”

“I will likely never use this new conference room, not any other conference room”

“There are much better things that you can spend $230,972 on than new offices.”

“I dont know if thats a good idea or not”

“I know nothing about how it currently is to have an opinion”

“I don’t have enough information”

“Unecessary spending.”

“I think that ASUW needs to do a lot more for this campus if they want to justify new office space
I don’t know enough or understand well enough to choose either way.”

“A lot of money”

“That’s a ridiculous amount of money that could be better used for students.”

“I have no opinion on this.”

“The ASUW is an essential voice to help represent the students. If we want more voices to represent ASUW needs adequate space to bring more people in. The more people that can
represent us students the better. Proper office space is needed to create a proper and true body of voices.”

“I feel like there are pros and cons”

“There’s already enough construction on campus”

“Put the money towards parking instead”

“Instead of spending money on office space you don’t need, why don’t you invest it into students, faculty, and staff? They have needed better electronics and parking space for years.”

“I have no idea what this is about”

“Sounds like a decent plan”

“We want to give $450k for ASUW to move offices? Let’s focus on the parking issue and student safety” first.

“Super expensive”

“I see no clearly expressed need for a new, renovated office space.”

“ASUW was put in place to help the student body. Moving rooms doesn’t help the mjority of the student body. I want my tuition money going towards something that will actually benefit
me directly as self centered as that may sound. As of right now, I can only see it benefiting the people in ASUW and the few students who happen to visit the office.”

“that’s a lot of money, and I don’t know the benefits of a move and new space”

“I don’t see it as necessary.”

“I don’t how moving the office will benefit the student whose tuition dollars will help cover these costs. I need to know EXACTLY how moving the office will benefit ALL of ASUW to
further help the overall student body. Especially since that is the main purpose of ASUW.”

“I don’t believe this decision will affect me at all.”

“Unsure of what this entails, who it benefits and who it harms”

“I don’t have a strong opinion on ASUW on campus and don’t know what the office situation is like. I can’t form an opinion either way without more info.”

“I object to spending the money that I gave in student fees for something that is useless to me.”

“that money could be used somewhere else in order to make the school experience better”

“If the elected officials think it is necessary, I will support that.”

“There are more important things to spend money on than a new office”

“You can use the money for something more important”

“I’m graduating so this will not affect me”

“There’s better places that money can go.”

“Too much money when programs are considered being cut”

“With that much money needed, ASUW should only give themselves a new office if their current one is whole unsuitable for operations. Vetoing was the correct option”

“The ASUW should be fully supported, especially if it is going to expand democratic representation. Currently most students don’t care about ASUW; an uplift of office space, especially in
a more accessible area, will greatly improve common knowledge about the organization.”

“I like it a lot”

“When it comes to allocating resources for projects on the U.W. campus i dont see how it could benefit me or other students.”


“I’m not knowledgeable enough about the situation”

“How would a conference room benefit the majority of UW students?”

“Seems more beneficial for ASUW to have a wider space that is more inviting for students”

“I have no opinion”

“It doesn’t seem important enough to spend half a million dollars on.”

“The money could go to something else more important”

“If they need a better warmer office, then they should have it. It worth spending budget on this.”

“Does not affect me”

“I don’t know why the ASUW President plans to veto”

“I think that is a lot of money, and I’m unsure on why the ASUW needs to move office spaces. I think maybe the money could be used for something more pressing, like the efforts to fix

“I have never seen the office current office conditions so I do not know what justifiable.

“I cannot support that amount of funding being spent to move an office and renovate a storage area for a conference room for ASUW.”

“Well organized room with spaces”

“That felt out of my pay grade. Not seeing the issue.”

“Survey should reflect the move more accurately— misleading us is not it..”

“I think a better space is necessary for you guys to fulfill your duties.”

“I dont really care either way”

“It doesn’t directly affect me so I don’t care”

“Seems like a lot of money for a conference room.”

“This is a waste of student fees and tuition”

“I’m not informed enough.”

“I do not feel as though this is a necessary improvement/allocation of money.”

“There’s been too much construction around campus already. Any more will just be a hindrance to students getting around campus.”

“Moving offices seems silly to spend half a million dollars on.”

“Doesnt particular matter to me what this money is put”

“I feel like it will be good and allow for better opportunities”

“Prefer we send money to secure the southern border”

“As someone who lived in a falling apart farmhouse that had a barn that doesn’t exist anymore. I did just fine living in squalor I understand it is student government or whatever you are
and you want to be like the real government and live above everyone else. But I would prefer my representatives being of the people instead of above the people.”

“With the new block tuition non residents are paying nearly four times the tuition as residents. Before new construction or renovations the University should address the rising disparity
between the cost of tuition and allocate funding to assure students can meet their educational goals. To much money is being spent and not in the right spaces.”

“It is an unecessary expense. As far as I know, the current ASUW space has not hindered how ASUW operates. Unless there is a planned dramatic increase in size or responsibilites, this
move is completely unecessary.”

“I don’t really know much about it or what it does.”

“Use what is already available and use the money to help students.”

“Have you all lost your dang minds? How does that better the university and it’s students? Isn’t that your purpose, to better the university and the student population? How does this
benefit anyone but ASUW? Are there no other rooms you could use for your meetings? If this is your best idea to spend ~$500,000 then maybe the role of ASUW and the mandatory
fees that students pay should be reconsidered. Kudos to ASUW President for vetoing this, and shame on all senators who voted in favor of this bill.”

“I do not have strong opinions about this as I am not an on-campus student. I don’t think it affects me very much either way.”

“I think there is a lot of other things monies could go for. The increase in fees for students to attend school could be normalized instead of increasing every semester”

“Certainly the money can be better spent than office space”

“If there is a strong need to renovate due to outdated or old facilities, the renovation should proceed. However, if the current premises (facilities) are of usable condition, it might be
useful to look for altermative ways of allocati g the funds that are available (it looks like there are already numerous conference rooms on campus, and it might be handy to use those

“I think it is always good to have more space for conferences.”

“Don’t know enough about it”


“You are asking if students are in need and then planning on spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on renovation. That seems backwards.”

“While the requested budget is large, an adequate office space that is accessible to all persons is worth it.”

“I’m unaware of the factors involved with the ASUW location.”

“I don’t know the entire reason. But just based off of this information I don’t see why we would need a new conference room.”

“A conference room would be a good idea”

“New conference room is not need. Offices are not needed what is needed is classroom space”

“If the space is being used and is used adequately why move.”

“Is a new office space 100% necessary and worth the money being put into it?”

“It really doesn’t effect me so I don’t have a strong opinion on it.”

“I feel like moving spaces is trivial.”

“Is an office move really the best use of my tuition. How does a new office benefit the wellbeing of the majority of students?”

“I think the funding could be allocated to be resources than a new space”

“I think the funds could be better spent elsewhere.”

“I feel like if the space currently works, there shouldn’t be a need to move entirely.”

“That seems like a lot of money for a different office space.”

“I don’t really have a preference, I think that if they need the new offices they should do it!”

“I personally do not find it to be necessary, but that does not mean it would not be a good thing either.

“This legislation is clearly rushed. Final costs were tallied that afternoon, accessibility is a common argument that clearly was not fully assessed. This is not overly time sensitive. You pass
this today and it will take months probably years to complete the move. * It is not my place to speak to the cost outside of that the money should come from exclusively facilities (ie non
student funds). * Clearly there is a need for more room! How much needs to be exclusively ASUW? Can meetings take place in other shared places? * Accessibility: This is not and will
never be the biggest point, it does not cost $400k to make one office accessible. This should not be discussed here by the senate this should be assessed by experts. This is an issue
and should be a priority, currently it is a talking point at best. What makes the new space guaranteed to not just meet ADA but go beyond. * Students will not see this new space. No one
comes because outreach and transparency is awful. Foot traffic not only is worse in the new location but is not important in the first place. No one visits because no one cares, no one
will ever walk past and say ‘I wonder what this office is let’s go take a look'”.

“Because they can keep the office and spend the money for something else”

“Im sure there is a good reason for moving the office Im sure the small space is not conducive for incressing members. However is 230,000 dollars really needed? Like unless your
building a whole new space then how is that amount of money needed to move some desks and paint a room?”

“More space for more people is always a good thing, right?”

“Feel uninvested”

“I do not really care because it will not really effect me.”

“They should spend money on actually important things. It’s like Congressmen passing a bill to raise their salaries. I strongly disagree.”

“There are other organizations that need renovations and better accessibility.”

“The current office needs some work, a new space would welcome more students”

“Not familiar with this.”

“It seems necessary and overly expensive, but I’m not also fully aware of the conditions.”

“I think moving will cause some confusion but could be a good change”

“If im not paying for it I dont really care.”

“I need to know more/better understand it.”

“I think it’s good to have nice spaces at the university”

“It seems like an excessive amount of money that could be better spent elsewhere”

“It does not impact me”

“Parking needs to be prioritized for student employees”

“it does not effect me, however it would be nice to take that funding and put it to something else to directly benefit students”


“Im not that inferested in it. I could go eother way”

“It is discouraging to continue to see so much money invested in construction projects. Is the student body going to realize $448,000 of benefit from this new space? Or could that
money be better spent on student job salaries or staff salaries or other programs that have a more direct impact?”

“I am not on student government so the office move does not concern me but I do think that is a lot of money to spend on one conference room.”

“I don’t know a lot about it”

“There is no need for this, the money could be better spent on almost anything else”

“I don’t believe that moving the ASUW office would be good as the current offices are hard enough to see by passerby and this move would make them more distant and could be
detrimental to the program”

“It seems fine to me”

“I’m not sure because while I support having a proper place to work, if there is already a space thay works, the money should be put to other projects.”

“It’s a lot of money but it also doesn’t affect me directly so I have no opinion.”

“Why do you need new offices? Wouldn’t that money be best utilized elsewhere?”

“I don’t really care”

“Other programs need the space more, and students would benefit more. SEO, DSS, advising, and all student services need to be located together, and ASUW needs to push and
advocate for that.”

“While I don’t know the situation surrounding the current conference room, I feel that there are likely far more pressing and worthwile matters where this budget could be allocated to. In
addition, with the current state of construction and renovations going on at the university currently, there should be significant time before this project is undertaken as there need to be
some spaces on campus that feel open and unobstructed by this constant construction.

“I think funding should be used more effectively towards necessities not just to renovate a perfectly good space.”

“I am familiar with the current space. It is pretty cramped, and the office might better serve students if it weren’t so small.”

“I don’t mind either way”

“That’s a lot of money to move offices, it should be vetoed.”

“I don’t understand why the offices need to be moved. Let’s use the money for something else.”

“An unnecessary expense”

“Working offices conducive to efficency and productivity are important. I feel that student government deserve similar facilities as university leadership.”

“During a time where no students have parking and tuition was raised, I do not believe ASUW deserves to renovate and grow. Instead, help us.”

“I believe that the concerns to accessibility in the current office space are valid. Additionally, I also believe that if a workplace such as ASUW has a growth in employees, the office space
should reflect this if possible.”

“It won’t have much affect on me”

“I don’t have an opinion on the matter”

“If you have the $ and need a conference room…”

“You don’t need to move and waste funds. Pointless”

“Online student.”

“I personally would like to see funds allocated to the Haub school student scholarships and clubs.”

“New spaces are needed across campus.”

“I rarely go to the union for anything.”

“Plenty of meeting space on campus. Lots of better things to do with the money.”

“It does not affect me and I am unable to adequately assess whether or not these funds are reasonable for this project.”

“I feel natural about it”

“It doesn’t really pertain to me but it sounds like a good idea”

“It would probably be for the best for ASUW”

“Don’t live on campus, so wouldn’t be affected.”

“I believe that there are not any substantial reasons for the move and it is not clear what the money is being spent on.”

“I literally don’t understand what this is even about”

“That seems like an unreasonabley large amount of money to spend to ‘move office'”

“Doesn’t hurt to update space for a program that is actually used.”

“Its a great initiative”

“Doesn’t affect me”

“I don’t see why y’all need to… plus that’s a lot of money.”

“No reason for more offices, allocates money and resources to students”

“Why do you need a new office?”

“I guess I don’t know how badly this is needed… that would affect my decision but I’ve been in your space and it seems adequate”

“Disagree with using student funds to fund ASUW office space.”

“I think this could be beneficial for AsUW”

“Only necessities should be renovated.”

“I’m not well enough informed”

“Are you joking? ASUW really can’t find anything better to spend nearly half a million on except for themselves? Be so for real.”

“That’s an extremely large budget for a move.”

“I like it but also don’t get it”

“I’m typically on other building than main campus so I’m not too familiar with what should be done there”

“if that’s what they want to spend money on that’s what they’ll spend money on, i’m not in those offices so i can’t have an opinion on it”

“I don’t really know why yu need to move office’s but I assume you feel like you must so I encourage you’re opinion.”

“I do somewhat agree with the bill. The office right now in the union is easily accessible but it would be better if it was out there and maybe even in a space where students walk through
everyday .”

“The file about the bill failed to download for me. We shouldnt unnecessarily be spending money.”

“Doesn’t affect me greatly either way”

“not sure what impact this has on students, especially grad students like me”

“Will make a much better space for working and deciding upon integral acts.”

“I’m almost to the point of food insecurity. I need tuition to go DOWN.”

“How does that specifically benefit me as a student?”

“I don’t think it affects me much so I have no strong opinions.”

“Seems a bit unnecessary”

“I think that it honestly depends on the size of the group. I slightly disagree because construction to the Union, in addition to the rest of campus, would be a burden.”

“Better programs to fund”

“it seems like a lot of money that can be used elsewhere”

“Although I am not familiar with the organization in question nor with the services it provides, if I understand the situation correctly, it seems like it would be more prudent to forgo the
proposed arrangement since after Union renovations there will be a new space for the organization. In other words, I think the organization should bite the bullet and deal with the
restricted space until Union renovations are finished.”

“I don’t know enough about the ASUW and Union Fees and such to make an informed decision.
I don’t know too much about the situation, but I feel that 450k is a lot of money to spend on something as unnecessary as a location change. That money could be put towards
something more useful such as more inclusive dining options, for example the gluten-free options on this campus are embarrassing and I can’t eat anything on campus because of it. I
think that money would be better spent on students who don’t have their needs met than a nice conference room.”

“I don’t want anymore construction right now and why are we moving an office when we have a ton of places on campus for someone to be”

“ASUW should have nicer things”

“I selected strongly agree because I am in support of the renovated office space. If the ASUW believe that the office space and renovation will improve the efficiency, and effectiveness
of those using the space, and more accessibility among the proposed benefits of the new space, I am in support.”

“The money should go towards benefiting students as a whole, and that is not a new ASUW office. That is a new study space, increased sidewalk maintenance in the winter, fixing the
elevators in the union both for ADA and also for Catering (and other entities UW hosts), etc.”

“I feel as though this will not impact me in any significant way. Do what y’all want bb girl”

“Personally, I really don’t care what you do, but if that money is just gonna disappear if you don’t use it, then you might as well use it!”

“Why the fuck are you spending money on yourselves? Straight up politicians. Do something for the community and meet in a coffee house or something. You’re supposed to be public
servants, not high rise people. No money should go to you at all, just what you do for the students. And giving yourselves a new office doesn’t help any student not on your council.”

“I believe that more funds should be directed towards helping students, rather than office spaces.”

“It would be a bad move politically, spending money for ourselves is not what the student body wants to see.”

“I feel like that money could be used in better places. Like better food at Wash, renovating some of the older buildings, MORE PARKING.”

“Seems like a waste of money unless the old office space”

“I don’t care.”

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