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New club on campus hopes to donate to those in need

Crochet with Care is a new club on campus and held their first meeting on Oct. 25, 2023. The new club not only hopes to encourage students to pick up a new hobby to destress and make new friends with, but their creations will be donated to those in need.

As we get later into the year the air grows chillier and classes seem to become harder and stressful. As a student it’s important to find an outlet that helps relieve stress. Crochet with Care is a club where people can come relax and destress while making new friends. 

Nedra Mcllwaine, a student at the University of Wyoming, wanted to become more involved in the community and make volunteering more personal for her. She came up with the club Crochet with Care because she enjoys crocheting and wanted to help support the community in her own unique way. 

Crochet with Care crochets hats, scarves, and blankets for hospitals, charities and those in need. Some organizations Crochet with Care has in mind of donating to are Ivinson hospital and an after school program called Title One. 

The club plans on having two big donations during the academic year; one donation during the winter time after the semester ends and another during the summer time when people have more time to complete their projects.

The club insists that all levels for crochet are welcome as they intend to put on tutorial videos during the meeting to help teach members who may be struggling.

Nedra Mcllwaine, a student who recently joined the club, expressed how special handmade goods are. 

“I feel like if I was given something that was made over so much time, it’s very impactful because it’s like wow this person did this for me. We welcome everybody to come and hang out and work on stuff.” 

Currently the club relies on ASUW funds and their own personal funds for supplies, but look forward to expanding their horizons and possibly get involved at the local farmer’s market.

“We plan on fundraising. We’re hoping to do farmers markets to sell stuff to fundraise for supplies, but also it would be cool to be able to fundraise for charities,” Mcllwaine said.

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