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Brain Breaks at UW

Finals bring out expectations and competition to students on campus. With exams and projects approaching it can create a lack of balance on campus, with students rushing and trying to study in order to maintain other aspects of their lives. 

UW offers a week of wellness and distress events to help decompress students anxiety with the approaching week. 

Coe library and half acre offers puzzles, zen den and relaxation spots all semester long. However, this week, they have honed in on everyone’s mental and physical state while preparing for the stress of finals. 

These types of brain breaks can benefit college students during finals week by providing a short period of rest to recharge cognitive functions that are otherwise stressed for upcoming exams. Taking these breaks can help prevent burnout and improve overall productivity in how students go about their weeks.

Aiding students in maintaining their performance during intense study times can support overall mental wellbeing, which is the goal on the UW campus. 

On Dec. 5, around noon, coe library offered a “beverage break” for students coming in and out during the afternoon. This beverage break is co-sponsored by UW Libraries and LeaRN to show students they are supporting them in little ways.

The library set up tables all week with activities and for this certain event they gave away energy drinks and free exam papers. This offered a helping hand and a pick-me-up for students throughout as they finished up their day of studying and classes. 

“I was really tired after spending a whole morning finishing a paper, and a free pick-me-up in the library was exactly what I needed, it was nice to know there was that aid,” Harrison Blakely, a sophomore and psychology major said.

These small activities offered throughout the week have given individuals a brain break from class and assignments that have filled students schedules to the brim. 

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