ASUW considers Concealed Carry Of Weapons on Campus

Photo by Ian Johnson
Photo by Ian Johnson

Concealed carry of weapons on campus has been considered by ASUW. The initial proceedings have discussed whether the university’s policy should be reconsidered and allow weapons on campus for both staff and students. UW police does not allow weapons on campus unless a student or teacher is being harassed or stalked while on campus grounds.

Although Wyoming is a very pro-gun state in many situations, allowing weapons on campus could cause more harm than good. When we consider the cases at other schools in the nation that end up having shooters break in and kill people, the idea of allowing weapons on campus becomes ridiculous. If you look at how stressed students and teachers on campus can get, who is to say that there won’t be any threats against their lives by allowing weapons on campus?

Although the UW police offer assistance to anyone that might feel threatened on campus, there are very few people who have been approved to carry a weapon on campus in case of an attack.

I can’t see any good outcome of allowing weapons on campus because it just seems that more people would be scared to even come to school. Our safety would be in question every day and there is no doubt in my mind that the school would become a threat to our lives.

The fact that everyone has a right to carry a firearm wherever they go is completely understood in Wyoming. , But the issue is that not everyone in Wyoming is a sane person. We can’t just allow firearms in campus because it is our constitutional right, because people all over the nation have abused that right in public settings. There is no guarantee that we would be safe if these weapons were allowed on campus by anyone other than those who already are approved to have them.

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