Posted inColumns / Opinion

Religious Freedom Bill: discrimination is alive and well

On March 26 Indiana passed a discriminatory law under the camouflage of a “religious freedom” bill designed to protect the rights of angry Christians. However, what the bill will forever be known as is allowing businesses to deny service to any member of the LGBTQ community.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Wasn’t this whole “can’t deny service to someone based on their so on and so forth” taken care of during the Civil Rights Movement? The answer is yes. So don’t worry, you’re not wrong in wondering, “why the f*** is this Religious Freedom bill a thing?”

I’ll answer you. It’s because ill informed, proudly-stubborn nitwits who never evolved out of 1956 are continuing to take advantage of the world’s most untouchable security blanket: religion. When you say something is done for religious reasons you can’t say no. If you do you suddenly become that kid from “The Omen.”

Even when the lawmakers and paranoid religious majority know for a fact their rights can’t be taken away (read no further than the first damn amendment) they still act like they’re pure, just ways are like an innocent blonde girl and everyone else is Freddy Kruger.

How many “Fags Hate God” signs do you see along the side of the road? None. Because, religious people, no one is coming after your rights. Most normal people posses the ability to say, “hey, I don’t exactly believe what you do, but I’m cool with it anyway. Have a nice day.” But the people behind this law have none of that inside them. There is nothing inside them but a hate-fueled fire ready to be attached to a torch at any second.

But they know they can’t just burn crosses (that’s so 1892) and scream and shout. Instead they play the victim, acting as if they’re under attack. In reality the truth is simple: They’re scared at what they don’t understand, and like anyone in that circumstance, they act aggressively instead of attempting to learn.

Think about it. If these people were truly operating out of dedication to the Good Book and not irrational fear then they would also deny people wearing two different kinds of fabric. They should also use a cilice on themselves because the Ten Commandments, the holiest of the holy, says be kind to your neighbor. That doesn’t mean just the Jefferson’s next door. It means your fellow man­–all of them. Not just the straight white ones.

To come out and admit you don’t like gay people is one thing. I get it. It’s hard to like someone who’s so fun, happy and open with themselves when you’re repressed and scared of the world around you. But how dare Indiana Gov. Mike Pence use the powers of democracy, meant to protect the rights of ALL people, to do the bidding of a powerful majority so that an already discriminated group can feel unwelcome in their own town.

Through the actions of a hateful bunch we can truly see there’s a difference between being good Christians and being a gaggle of pricks. I get it’s normal to claw and swat like a demonic cat at what you don’t understand, but for the love of your God, let the gay man have his cupcakes.

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