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Students advocate for the Gardens

In an informal meeting on Monday the Union Board heard students’ opinions on the impending closure of The Gardens, a campus eatery that serves beer, and provided information relating to The Gardens’ financial situation.

At a previous Union Board meeting, The Gardens closure was discussed, but the conversation lacked important financial data. Following that meeting, the university announced both Eric Webb, interim director of Residence Life and Dining Services, and Vice-President of Student Affairs Sara Axelson would not be able to attend the subsequent meeting due to a scheduling conflict.

Despite this Webb was in attendance, and made it clear at the beginning of the meeting that The Gardens is in financial turmoil.

“If you look at the eight-year history there is a $267,000 combined loss,” Webb said.

Webb then provided figures relating to The Gardens’ sales and expenses, broken down by food, managerial and beer costs.

Laramie bar owner and UW senior Corey Schroeder, with whom Webb previously met with, said the updated financial information painted a more clear picture of the problems with The Gardens, and said the solution to The Gardens’ problems is more beer and less food.

“70 percent of your profit is coming from beer, while 70 percent of your cost is coming from food and management,” Schroeder said.

Schroeder said the most problematic areas for The Gardens were food, the type of food being served and employee wages during non-beer hours. He highlighted managerial costs, budgeted at approximately $15,000 per semester, as a severe profit limiter.

“I’m not seeing $15,000 worth of management here,” Schroeder said.

Schroeder also said The Gardens is salvageable with minimal changes.

“Take away that office expense and the management expense you’re already in the black,” Schroeder said. “You take away food expense and revenue, The Gardens is extremely successful.”

Webb said he wanted to speak with Schroeder again in order to more accurately hash out the financials.

In spite of Schroeder’s input, some students still did not know who could help The Gardens.

“Is it your executive decision in the end?” Ricardo Lind-Gonzalez, an education senior asked Webb. “I’m not sure who we need to convince.”

Webb did not answer the question, but Schroeder said it is likely students need to convince the board of trustees, as the administration already submitted their recommendation to the trustees that The Gardens be closed.

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