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Comedienne Kristina Wong brings laughs to campus

Good comedy is sometimes like that scratchy blanket at grandma’s house, it’s uncomfortable yet comforting at the same time.

Nationally renowned Asian-American comedienne Kristina Wong is taking a humorous swipe at social injustice tonight, Tuesday, March 20 in the Union Ballroom at 7:00 p.m. and it’s FREE. Wong is known throughout the comedy world for her tough and persistent “Do It Yourself” attitude toward social injustices, marginalization and those with privilege. She’ll make you realize why brutality and hilarity walk hand-in-hand.

“Carly Demple, another student coordinator in the UW Service Leadership Community Engagement (SLCE) program, was the force behind finding and getting Kristina Wong on campus,” Jake Dalman, UW freshman of Management and SLCE student coordinator, said. “You don’t see a lot of comedians focusing on topics like privilege and social justice and making them a cause like Kristina Wong does.”

The free A-list show tonight is also part of the UW Good Mule Project, a series of events promoting communication across cultures and positive community and social action focusing on diversity. The group also focuses on using common personal experiences across cultures to bridge differences and focus on social justice.

“The Good Mule Project is how we get people from both campus and the community engaged together,” Dalman said. “We really want comedy to be a way to bring people from different walks of life together.”

The UW SLCE group will have a table in Simpson Plaza from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a raffle sign up for prizes awarded at the show tonight. The stand-up show is first come first serve.

“Nobody’s been asking about it at the information desk but I know 7220 Marketing was here this afternoon promoting it,” Quinn Marquardt, Union Information Desk student worker, said.

With UW students either recovering from or preparing for midterms this would make a great mid-week, face-tugging stress relief. One of Kristina’s televised appearances was for a special called, “I’m Asian American and Want Reparations for Yellow Fever.” This is the kind of self-deprecating but pointed comedy Wong blankets herself and her audience in without apology.

“I’m really into comedy and I’ve never seen any professional comedians in person so I’ll probably check it out,” UW senior communications major and UW event staff Dylan Cooper said. “I’ll probably watch and check it out just because I’m helping set up and tear down, might as well.”

According to Kristina Wong’s artist statement, her most recent projects have involved, “writing impossible (and sometimes horribly offensive) proposals for performance projects that I have no idea how to creatively execute.” This may sound familiar to all you college students out there and beyond.

So get out! Remember you’re in college not at a family reunion. Wipe that sour look off your face and check out some irreverent but meaningful comedy. Kristina Wong is fire in the kitchen but like any master of comedy she needs filled seats to see what kind of hilariousness will stick. Give yourself a break and maybe get some quality cultural comedy before the seriousness of the last couple months of school sets in.

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