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Crafting the Stress Away

The week before finals, also known as dead week, many students are stressed and find it challenging to relax with finals just around the corner. 

The library is hosting a finals wellness and distress event all week at the library. They have all different kinds of events for everyone’s taste. They have different crafts happening throughout the day making it so students can fit their fun crafts into their busy schedules. 

All week the library will have craft kits that students can grab or make in the library. Everyday there is a different craft that is hosted by groups at the university. Because of this there are diverse crafts that everyone will be able to enjoy. 

The idea of having a craft kit is for students to have something to destress and be able to turn their attention to a craft instead of stressing. Jessica Rardin, learning and engagement librarian at the University of Wyoming, wants to help students destress before finals. 

“Our goal is always to provide a bit of de-stress and some fun when we know people are stressed and thinking about the end of the semester and all the things they have to get done. We just try to provide a little bit of an outlet for people to take some time to relax [and] do some other things that they like to do, or explore something new,” Rardin said. 

Different groups of the university host different crafts throughout the week. 

Studio Co, the Wellness center and 7720 Entertainment are some of the groups that help host crafts and come up with ideas for them. Everyone contributes to help students feel comfortable and well rested before finals. 

“Our partners are really important to us. It’s in the library space, but it really is everybody who contributes and is involved. Most of our stations are staffed by the Wellness Center or by the library,” Rardin said. 

The library finds it important that students feel comfortable and ready for their finals. Hosting this week-long event welcomes students into the library and also shows that the library staff cares about their students. 

David Kruger, an agricultural research librarian, finds it important for students to be cared for during this upcoming dead week. 

“The spirit that drives [the event is] basically treating students the way that we want to be treated if we were in their situation,” Kruger said. 

Along with crafts, the library is offering other events to students throughout the week. They offer self care tools like wellness pods and meditating along with activities for de-stressing. 

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